On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 1:46 PM, Christian Buchner <
christian.buch...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> It would be great if you dropped the hard requirement for Quad Buffer
> Stereo because with traditional stereo methods for consumer cards (e.g.
> Side by Side stereo) you can get similar quality, but with lower
> requirements for the hardware costs. I don't think you need to do any extra
> fakery, as OSG already includes that fakery as part of its rendering
> pipeline ;)

Yep, I second that - there is very good support for quadbuffer (and other
stereo modes) in OSG already, no need to duplicate work.

On the other hand, what is missing is the head tracking integration where
the view frustum deforms based on the head position - not hard to do, but
it would be nice to have that as a library (e.g. a special tracked camera
node or something), especially with VRPN as input.

Re multi-screen setup - OSG supports some basic setup out of the box, for
bigger things there is Equalizer (http://www.equalizergraphics.com/) How
does your solution compare with that?

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