On 19 November 2014 10:57, Chris Hidden <ch...@erghis.com> wrote:

> Ok, I think I understand what was going on.  I am now using
> osgViewer::Viewer::Windows windows;
>         viwer->getWindows(windows);
>         if (windows.empty()) return 1;
>         hudCam->setGraphicsContext(windows[0]);
> However, if I disable the color bit clear and only use the depth bit.  The
> scene never clears my previous frames for my main scene.  So I get a paint
> effect with the hands that move around.

If the slave Camera is being rendered first then it needs to clear both the
depth and colour buffers - it's effectively taking over the role that your
main camera originally had.

The hands also still remain under the HUD.  Im assuming this is what you
> meant by creating 2 graphics contexts.

I meant exactly what I wrote you were creating two graphics contexts.
Normally in the set up you create a single window then share it.  The new
code above should achieve this but the osghud example is simpler.

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