
This is information I got from the GDAL devs:

> <cgs_bob>     hello all.  I was trying to compile OpenSceneGraph-3.0.1 and 
> got this error http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=c1MAC1rQ . Is this related to 
> api changes in GDAL 2.0?  How do I fix it?
> <EvenR>       cgs_bob: yes. see 
> http://svn.osgeo.org/gdal/trunk/gdal/MIGRATION_GUIDE.TXT
> <cgs_bob>     EvenR: thanks for the tip.  I'll give it  a try
> <EvenR>       using OGROpen(), and the C API, if you want it to be compabile 
> with both GDAL 1.X and 2.X is probably the best solution 
> <EvenR>       I guess this will bite a few people, but would have been 
> awkward to let that as a left-over
> <cgs_bob>     I'll have to see what requires the least amount of work.
> <cgs_bob>     EvenR: OpenSceneGraph is a C++ library.  How could I use the  
> OGROpen(), and the C API to solve this compiler error?
> <EvenR>       this is described in http://gdal.org/ogr_apitut.html (or 
> http://gdal.org/1.11/ogr/ogr_apitut.html if you want GDAL 1.X compatibilty as 
> well)

The pastebin url refers to the error message in the first post.
Thank you!


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