I'll try to stay simple: 
pmoc generate customisable and extendable graphical components embedding 
objects method and I use in a generic Editor to demonstrate the ability to do 
"runtime graphical programmation":
The paste feature introspects the selected object and calls the method that can 
be used with copied object as a parameter. If several methods fit the couple 
(class of selected /class of copied) then a menu popup in order to ask you 
which you want to call.
So It avoids programmation and compilation steps as all is done at runtime.

More globally (and from my point of view), it allows to highlight features  
(and so on bugs) of  C++ heterogenous (or not in the case of my osg experiment) 
libraries and allows to mix them in a generalized graphical context to 
manipulate them. 

Personnally, I use osg4noob to introspect my own classes when i'm not sure of 
what I'm doing(where to put what) or when my scene is becoming too complex 
(ex:it allows to know which PagedLOD are in RAM). It saves me a lot of coding 
time and so I thought the underlying pmoc was an interesting project to 
developp deeper.

kornerr wrote:
> So what problems does your software solve exactly? I couldn't understand it.

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