Hello David,

It's nice to see other people getting familiar with VPB.  It's a great
tool, and I find it to be nice and responsive for datasets that are going
to be baked together (imagery and elevation).

I'm especially happy that you have provided a Windows build tutorial, as
all my experience building applications is under Linux.

A quick flag that you may want to use in the future if you're needing to
limit the amount of space you are using or if I/O bottlenecking is a

-O Compressor=zlib

This will compress the .osgb files using zlib, and it can make a marked
reduction in the final dataset size.  It also tends to speed up LOD loads
when hitting physical hard disks.

Also, when preparing your data, I highly recommend that you use gdaladdo to
create overviews using the averaging method.  This will avoid some of the
artifacts that you see with the nearest neighbor technique.

One final note: vpbmaster will greatly speed up database generation over
osgdem.  You can manually specify the number of threads to run, or you can
allow all available cores to be used.

Something else you may want to look further into is the power of GDAL.
Specifically, gdal allows you to create an internally tiled geotiff coupled
with external tiled overviews.  In this case, you would typically have four

1. topography (use 16 or 32 pixel block sizes and compress it using DEFLATE
or LZW predictor level 2)
2. topography overviews (again, tile these and compress them)
3. Imagery (use 256 pixel blocks typically and compress as above to a
4. Imagery overviews (compress these using JPEG)

If you are using an application like osgEarth or your own implementations,
tiled, compressed geotiffs can provide vastly superior performance to
monolithic tiff files.  When used properly, the speed of gdal can provide
nearly the performance of osgdem.

Anyway, I look forward to seeing more of your work and putting your
compilation video to use on my Windows box.


On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 1:33 PM, David Glenn <da...@dglenn.com> wrote:

> Greetings All,
> Sorry that I haven't posted I've been very busy lately!
> I've been meaning to post the location of the YouTube videos that I made
> based the presentation I gave at SIGGRAPH last year, but I've been
> stretched for time with my added duties working on some Unity 5 stuff.
> I don't remember if I posted the links for you all and you may have found
> this stuff already, but just in case:
> The first video is basically how to compile Open Scene Graph in MS Windows
> using Visual Studio Express as well as compile Virtual Planet Builder. I
> try to go through the process step by step and it is long on time, but in
> the end you get a compiled version of Open Scene Graph and Virtual Planet
> Builder. For most of you, you can skip this part as it purely how to
> compile code, but I believe in showing how to do things from the ground up
> and so the reasoning for the first video.
> Here is the Link for video 1: https://youtu.be/b2fW9d590lk
> The second video is the meat and potatoes of how to use Virtual Planet
> Builder to build a basic terrain for your OSG Project. I go over a bit
> about G-Dal given that I use it to prepare my data at times. I also show
> how I use QGIS and point out some sources for data and how to put it all
> together.
> Here is the Link for video 2: https://youtu.be/gcDSQ0t1Fd8
> In the end I built a nice 3D map of the Humble town of Hemet Ca. using
> data that I got from the USGS.
> If you what to post this stuff any ware your welcome to do so!
> As I said before: I'm sorry for getting this stuff to you so late. I'm
> also working on some training stuff for Unity 5 and I still thinking about
> doing something on some other OSG stuff. Maybe osgEarth!
> Hope to see you all later! Hope you all are doing well!
> Enjoy All!
> ...
> D Glenn
> ------------------------
> David Glenn
> ---------------
> D Glenn 3D Computer Graphics Entertainment.
> www.dglenn.com
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=63231#63231
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