Well, the FFP material state info doesn't exist in ES 2.0. So, it's getting

You need to write a visitor that traverses your model converting OSG
Material class attributes into Uniforms that your shaders then read and
understand and react to.

On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 11:12 AM, Şan Güneş <sgu...@350.su> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm playing around with OpenSceneGraph with OpenGL ES 2.0. I managed to
> show some primitives, and later a model that I loaded with osgDB.
> However at the moment I'm assigning a random color to the gl_FragColor
> in the fragment shader. When doing this I'm getting the following warning:
> > Warning: Material::apply(State&) - not supported.
> I'm confused about how I should write the shaders if I load a model with
> osgDB in order to show it together with it's texture. So far I couldn't
> find any OpenSceneGraph related example for this. I would appreciate any
> help and tips.
> Thanks
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