Dear, Sir 
I’m Daven Hem in Cambodia. Thanks for your reviewing.
We are currently developing new mineral prospecting aided software for local 
I have to develop 3D VIEWER which can render 3D work place realistic on its 
On our workings, there are many pipes, including internet, power, compressed 
air, water, phone …
I am rendering 3D pipe in our 3d viewer.
I’ve already read many topics, including “osgModeling” by Wang Rui 
But I didn’t see sample codes, detailed replies and I don’t decide the solution 
I may use osgModeling library.
I want to hear the best advice from awesome Open Scene Graph.
My problem is as following:

There are some points which define shape of pipe.
a)      Draw line which pass through their points.
b)      Draw curve which smooth the line, with line interpolation segments. 
It may be smooth line or spline or bezier.
c)      Draw 3D pipe from this curve with parameters such as radius, section 
interpolation segments.
Please review my attached image file.
d)      Finally, simulate real-time animation of 3D pipe follows excavator.

Please let me know the easy and fast solution! I hope your detailed advice.
Thanks again.
Kind reply.

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