On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 10:57 AM, Daven Hem <osgfo...@tevs.eu> wrote:

> We are currently developing new mineral prospecting aided software for
> local workings.
> I have to develop 3D VIEWER which can render 3D work place realistic on
> its screen.
> On our workings, there are many pipes, including internet, power,
> compressed air, water, phone …
> I am rendering 3D pipe in our 3d viewer.

> My problem is as following:
> There are some points which define shape of pipe.
> a)      Draw line which pass through their points.
> b)      Draw curve which smooth the line, with line interpolation segments.
> It may be smooth line or spline or bezier.
> c)      Draw 3D pipe from this curve with parameters such as radius,
> section interpolation segments.
> Please review my attached image file.

  I didn't see the attached file. I did some work like this previously for
a petro-geophysical subsurface viewer depicting wells and such. We used all
FFP because it needed to run onder Windows' Terminal Server environment
where there was no OpenGL 2.x/shaders available. But As Nick says, today it
would be best to use shaders to construct the polygons on the fly from the
pipe centerlines.

d)      Finally, simulate real-time animation of 3D pipe follows excavator.

  So, you want to make a progressive animation of the excavator laying the
pipe into the ground? With pipe deformation and stuff as it unrolls from a
spool or something? It could be done, probably with only basic physics and
not a full physics engine. how critical is this, because it's as much work
as the rest of it put together, probably, and it sounds like it's just for
show, not for a super necessary requirement.

Please let me know the easy and fast solution! I hope your detailed advice.

  There may not be an easy and fast solution that someone can just tell you
by email.

> Thanks again.
> Kind reply.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere. xe...@alphapixel.com
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