Hey Robert,

Just let it drop!

Love, Temia

On Mon, 26 Sep 2016 16:38:19 +0100
Robert Osfield <robert.osfi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> HI Christian,
> When it comes to perspectives of what is right or wrong for the OSG it
> absolutely has everything to do with my experience.  I more than
> anyone else in the community I witness how the OSG gets used across
> the broad spectrum of users.  There is no one else who provides more
> support to users, fix more bug, work with users and clients across
> many professional domains and usage cases.
> When I say something is a "very specific usage case" then it's based
> on this experience. You then said "you strongly disagree" with this,
> then I leaves me wondering how you can speak from greater authority on
> how the OSG users use the OSG.
> What you can say is that you know your usage model for your
> application more than I.  I could understand how this to you is the
> most important thing from your perspective, this is exactly what I
> expect of OSG users and is positive thing.  However, where I feel
> you've overstepped the make is making broad statements that your usage
> case is the general case from the OSG perspective.
> It's my job as project lead to look at all the usage cases and issues
> that the OSG users have and guide the OSG in the right direction, I
> take not of usage cases like your own, but it's just part of wider
> project.  Just in the same way I also need to know the wider context
> of where the OSG sits, it's not something that is static, it evolves
> over time.  An import thing for a project lead is that you do take to
> whimns and move the rudder of the ship left then right randomly in
> response to the latest greatest opinion.
> --
> Repeatedly in this thread people like yourself have strongly asserted
> how wrong the OSG is doing things.
> As spent the time investigating the issue I've found that it's
> actually that this standpoint has been based entirely on the
> assumptions made by those having problems.
> The assumption that the thread affinity will not be set, and for some
> it seems it should never be set, is building your house on sand.  If
> you are writing a multi-threaded application one should be aware of
> and make conscious decisions about thread affinity.
> The OSG and OpenThtreads don't make assumptions that thread affinity
> will be correct in it's default, inherited state, it where appropriate
> explicitly sets the affinity.  It may not do a perfect job in this,
> but it does at least try to do what it can.
> From what I have learnt this is is far more an education issue rather
> than a technical one.  Partly is educating about what the OSG does and
> why it does it, but it's also more general than this - the assumptions
> about thread affinity being made in end users applications is clearly
> insufficient.  This lack of education of this later issue is far
> bigger than the OSG project.  Sadly the lack of education on threading
> issues is not helped by the lack of affinity functionality of C++11
> threading as an issue ignored is not one that is solved.
> Robert.
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