You should consider making a GDAL VRT. It's a format for compositing source
files together into one virtual data source. You can build it by hand or
use the gdalbuildvrt tool.

Glenn Waldron / osgEarth

On Mon, Apr 29, 2019 at 7:02 PM Chris Hanson <> wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 29, 2019 at 9:09 PM Steven Jones <> wrote:
>> I receive no error messages, and the build completes, but when I use
>> osgviewer to inspect the .ive file, it is completely flat - no visible
>> change in elevation - terrain resolution is perfect though.
>   Is the imagery in place and proper resolution?
>> Below is the command line that I've used to build the database - I've
>> changed the LOD level to various settings, even up to 8, and tried other
>> settings based on osgdem's -h info (such as --PagedLOD), but no joy.
>> osgdem --geocentric -t C:\DB\N33\W118\004_Imagery -d
>> C:\DB\N33\W118\001_Elevation -l 8 -o db.ive
>   What elevation units is your elevation data in?
>   Can you verify that OSG or osgDEM is able to read it ok otherwise? Do
> you have any other known-good sample data to throw at it to see if your
> elevation file values just aren't being understood correctly?
>> Also, if I create the database as .osg instead of .ive, osgviewer throws
>> the following error:  "Problem, no locator found in any of the terrain
>> layers."
>   Is your OSG even built with the deprecated .osg format plugin?
>   You can save as the more modern .osgb (binary) and .osgt (text) formats
> instead of .osg and .ive. They are preferred now, though I haven't tried
> them with VPB/osgdem myself.
>   If you can get it into .osg or .osgt format -- or use osgconv to convert
> the successful .ive file(s) to .osg/.osgt you might be able to examine the
> data values in the created rasters and see if there are all zeros or just
> some VERY small values.
>> Maybe I'm missing something obvious, but for the life of me I can't get
>> past this point... ;-(   (It is very important that the database render the
>> elevation in a 3D format.)
>> One other item of interest is that neither --interpolate-imagery nor
>> --interpolate-terrain work in osgDem... They both throw errors that they
>> are unrecognized commands. The version of VPB/osgDem I'm running is 0.9.11
>> (I was trying different options to generate the database when I encountered
>> this.)
>   Huh. I can't recall if I ever used them. You'd have to look into the
> source to see if they're even there or if they're able to be made to work.
> --
> Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere.
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> osgEarth • Terrain • Telemetry • Cryptography • LIDAR • Embedded • Mobile •
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