Basically, osgEarth is really good at doing fancy layering of data sources.
VPB is a little trickier, but can do most of the same things (for elevation
and raster data anyway).

I was thinking it might be easier to use osgEarth to turn your multiple
layers of GeoTIFF images into a single elevation layer and a single imagery
layer, and just feed that to VPB.

But, I think really, feeding the original data directly to VPB is better
because it lets VPB use its own intelligence about the different layers'

So, do you know how to build a model using VPB with multiple input layers?
Here's some info with a few sample command lines:

On Fri, Apr 26, 2019 at 3:15 PM Steven Jones <> wrote:

> Hi Scott,
> Are you referring to a TMS dataset? Or something different? (All of my
> elevation and imagery files are tiled GeoTiffs.)
> Thanks!
> Steven
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
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