hi all,
I need a little help to understand osg and other thing who turn
around(it's for a student work)

1) Studiing osg, I fallen on Colosseum3D. What's the link with osg ??
is it the same thing? must I use colo instead osg ???

2) I have to use physic law like gravitation, repulstion force and
spring force(hook's law).
reading the doc , I found more than one physic interface. ODE,
osgVortex, and Vortex. what's the big deal?? If I all understood , ODE
is openSource but instable and very difficult to use.
Vortex is complex and non-free and osg vortex is an interface for
Vortex?? is that true??

3) is exist a save format file in osg , I mean If I have a world
(creating dinamicly for exemple) is it possible to save him.
automaticly ??

4) what is osv format file. if I understood it's a vortex format but...

5)about animation , what osg can do , is there a key-frame system, md5
or other thing.

6) is there a posibility to export animation as avi file or other
stuff like that??

thanks a lot for all

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