
I am rendering a part of my scene into an image to print it out. I am doing this via a cameranode, setting its RenderingTargetImplementation to PIXEL_BUFFER_RTT or PIXEL_BUFFER (FRAME_BUFFER_OBJECT renders the scene in 256 colors, bending occurs)

If I compile my application under Windows with VisualStudio 2005 in debug-mode, everything works as expected, but If I compile it in release-mode, I get a *message-box* with the message "Can't create temporary window"

I know, that the ATI-driver for my MacBookPro under windows is crappy, and does not support PixelBufferObjects so the CameraNode falls back to pbuffers, but why do they work onyl in debug-mode?

Thanks in advance,



Stephan Huber +++ http://digitalmind.de +++ dieses und jenes

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