Title: MFC CWnd only renders after resize?
Argentieri, John-P63223 wrote:

Hello all.

I know how much the moderators love MFC, which is a great deal more than I. We have designed our software using sceneview and thus it is capable of running on other systems as well, but for one purpose that we have in mind it must work on an existing MFC project. We have to launch the rendering frame-by-frame in a timer thread. For some reason, the frames do not show properly until after the CWnd window is resized at least once. We have already circumvented this issue by programmatically resizing the window, but this doesn't seem like the correct thing to do and I think I am missing something here that should have been done. Has anyone had any similar issues that can help shed some light on this problem I am having?

    I have used OSG and MFC quite a bit in the past and I can't say that I ever ran into this issue. I used a rendersurface without too many problems. There were a number of osg-mfc examples on the website that may be used as a reference, I'm not sure that they are still there but they often make a good starting point.

If you need any further info then I can refer to some of my older apps and see if I can help.



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