Is there a way to run osgdem with list of files to proceed given as separate 
file ? 
I am looking for some solution where command line would be simple and look like 

> osgdem -t images.filelist -d elevation.filelist -o output.ive 

where images.filelist is a text file containing list of files to process 
separated by newlines 

[contents of images.filelist]

and elevation.filelist contains dem files to proceed. 

[contents of elevation.filelist]

When we run command line with thousand of "-t/-d file"  arguments windows give 
up. Command line too long. Under linux it may work but unfortunately we use OSG 
with Windows ;-(. Directory option does not work for either because some of the 
unknown extensions in the directory are not read correctly and osgdem crashes. 
For example we have a DEM directory with .aux .dem and .rrd files. Only .aux 
files should be passed as arguments. .rrd and .dems cause crash when we use -d 
directory option. On the other hand .dem files cannot be removed from this 
directory because they are indirectly used by GDAL when .aux are loaded.

Any workaround ideas ? 

Best Regards,
Wojtek Lewandowski
osg-users mailing list

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