just change .cpp extension to .gif ;)

On 2/22/07, Anders Backman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If that is your "image" of Umeå, I don't think you have seen Umeå from its
best side...
A CPP file :-)

I know we are coding quite a lot, but I would have expected some more
colors in your image of Umeå!!

Did you forget to attach an image?


On 2/22/07, Robert Osfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

> Hi All,
> One of the tasks bubbling along in the background is support for
> distortion correction in osgViewer.  osgViewer itself won't provide
> the support but will allow you to set up the required cameras and
> distortion meshes as custom scene graph elements.   This week I
> generalised a couple of components in osgViewer, SceneView and Camera
> to allow to work, ableit in app hardwired way.
> Eventually you'll be able to set this all up from a configuration file
> which will specify both the camera set up and the distortion
> correction mesh, then in any osgViewer::Viewer app you'll just need to
> load the configuration file and your app will be able to support novel
> displays without the need for extra distortion correction hardware, or
> coding from yourself.
> As a proof of concept the osgdistortion example now has an extra code
> path that creates 6 RTT Camera's to generate a cube environment map
> and one HUD camera for distorion correction all within a single
> osgViewer::Viewer.  The user of the viewer only sees the result of the
> last HUD camera, so it'll feel like you using one fancy camera rather
> than 7...
> What do the results look like?  See attached image of the town of Umea
> (thanks for VRLab for the model :-)
> The distortion correction here is for a mythical 360 degree projector
> at the center of dome, no such beast exists, but the code in
> osgdistortion is about proof of concept.  Proper math models for the
> distortion correction of real physical display configurations will
> follow, although not this week.
> Robert.
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Anders Backman               Email:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HPC2N/VRlab                  Phone:    +46 (0)90-786 9936
Umea university              Cellular: +46 (0)70-392 64 67
S-901 87 UMEA SWEDEN         Fax:      +46 90-786 6126
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