Hi Brian,

On 2/22/07, Brian Keener <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've tried to stay current but with trying to work through this and get some
displays to give me an idea whats happening I am sure I've fallen back some -
I'll update from svn to get current and see how it looks. Now that I have
justtried I realize I must be farther back than I recall - I still have cvs
not svn - bahh.  So does anyone know an easy way to update from the CVS version
to the SVN - only thing I can think of (if you have some differences like I do)
is create diff patch file from the cvs, checkout the SVN version and then apply
the diff patch.

Why can't you just check out the SVN respositories?

svn checkout http://www.openscenegraph.com/svn/osg/OpenSceneGraph/trunk

svn checkout http://www.openscenegraph.com/svn/osg/OpenThreads/trunk OpenThreads

> Another note, the run method is a simply frame loop that just iterates
> until the Viewer _done is set to true - have a look at the code in
> src/osgViewer/Viewer.cpp. I don't think this be a factor in the
> hang. Most likely its the threads not cancelling for some reason.

Yeah I've found the frame loop in src/osgViewer/Viewer.cpp and stepped through
it but where I really need to get (as that loop runs pretty quick and by the
time _done tests true is really to late I think) is I need to catch the ESC in
the Windows which starts the terminate and then trace from there. I was
thinking either thread not cancelling or some object not destroying which
mightstill be related but I need to catch that ESCAPE to terminate. Tracing
in the loop is too much code and once you drop out of the frame loop then most
everything has either started destroying or is destroyed (I think).

Perhaps the easist would be to run the app for a fix number of frames
and let it exit itself then see if that works OK.  To help do
experiments with this I've added support for using an env var to set
the number of frames for the app to run:


 osgviewer cow.osg

osgviewer will run fro 10 frames and then exit.

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