No problem! Actually, that is the whole idea. Read the documentation for
BundleContext.getServiceReference() to see what happens when there are
multiple services registered under the same name.

This is a very common use case. The OSGi has the whiteboard pattern
that assumes many bundles use the same service interface to register a
service under. The Service Tracker was made to track those services.

There are many use cases where it is very applicable to register
multiple providers for the same service.

Kind regards,

     Peter Kriens

jald> Hi everybody!

jald>    Greetings!

jald>   I have a doubt with service registration in OSGi R4. Can two
jald> diff bundles register two similar services, meaning with the
jald> same classname and properties, but with a different service impl object.

jald>  For e.g., 
jald> Class MyClass implements BundleActivator
jald> {
jald>   pulic void start()
jald>   {
jald>      // construct a map with a property holding this classname.
jald>      sReg = bundlecontext.registerService(this.getClass  ().getName(), 
this, map);
jald>   }

jald>   public void stop()
jald>   {
jald>     sReg.unregister();
jald>   }
jald> }

jald>    Now, can I have the same class as part of two of my bundles,
jald> install and start them sucessfully. Will two services be
jald> registered in the framework under the same classname? 
jald> Please note that the package in which this class resides is the same in 
both the bundles.

jald> -- 
jald> Cheers
jald> Joe
jald> ----------------
jald> Visit my blog at 
jald> * Believing in yourself is an endless destination;
jald>   But, believing your have failed is the end of the journey.
jald> * A pound a fret cant pay an ounce a debt. 

Peter Kriens                              Tel +33467542167
9C, Avenue St. Drézéry                    AOL,Yahoo: pkriens
34160 Beaulieu, France                    ICQ 255570717
Skype pkriens                             Fax +1 8153772599

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