>From your example, it seems that 2 bundles have a copy of the same 
classfile. However each  bundle's classloader will load its copy of the 
classfile resulting in 2 distinct classes in the VM. They both have the 
same name but they are different Class objects because the tuple (class 
name, class loader) is different.

So when each bundle registers an object of its class as a service, you end 
up with 2 service registrations. Each service will be registered under the 
same class name but the service objects are not class compatible (see 
paragraph above).

Now let assume each bundle exported the package containing MyClass (the 
class of the service). Then if a 3rd bundle imported that package, it 
would be wired to only one of the orginal 2 bundles. So when the 3rd 
bundle does a service lookup (BundleContext.getServiceReference), it will 
find the service registered by the bundle to which its import is wired. If 
the 3rd bundle calls BundleContext.getAllServiceReferences it will see 
both services, since that method does include package wiring in its 

BJ Hargrave
Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM
OSGi Fellow and CTO of the OSGi Alliance
Office: +1 407 849 9117 Mobile: +1 386 848 3788

"joe antony lawrence david" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
08/08/2006 03:46 AM
Please respond to
OSGi Developer Mail List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


[osgi-dev] Service Registration

Hi everybody!


  I have a doubt with service registration in OSGi R4. Can two diff 
bundles register two similar services, meaning with the same classname and 
properties, but with a different service impl object. 

 For e.g., 
Class MyClass implements BundleActivator
  pulic void start()
     // construct a map with a property holding this classname.
     sReg = bundlecontext.registerService(this.getClass ().getName(), 
this, map);

  public void stop()

   Now, can I have the same class as part of two of my bundles, install 
and start them sucessfully. Will two services be registered in the 
framework under the same classname? 
Please note that the package in which this class resides is the same in 
both the bundles.

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