I do not think you have to worry about load yet. It is used probably around 800-900 times
a day for searching. So loading bundles should be much less.

Kind regards,

        Peter Kriens

On 3 jun 2008, at 09:53, David M Williams wrote:

I've started to produce the osgi repository data for the Eclipse Ganymede Release, so it can be checked by interested parties, before the release at the end of this month.

It is located at
(and current, RC2 version won't be visible (replicated) till about 10 AM Tuesday.

Let me know if anything looks funny (or, is wrong!).

But, I do have a question on volume of use. Is volume (bandwidth) anything I should worry about? From Eclipse server point of view? If it's just a few hundred individual users who would be accessing this from time to time, then, no problem, but ... if there are some automated systems that, say, get a new copy a few minutes to see if it has changed, or what ever, then maybe we should discuss. The file is mirrored, but, not sure of the best way to take advantage of that, or "promote" it's use. See, for example,
could be used by 'tools' or clients.


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