The issue here is that for some topics, probably a mailing list is not the best 
tool to use.
If the information has to be shared in order to be reused by other people, 
maybe Stack Overflow could be more effective.

It is my primary source for finding the solution to the problems I encounter 
while I develop.
OK, to be honest the primary source is google :-) and then Google often bring 
me to stack overflow.

Best Regards,

Da: [] Per 
conto di Raymond Auge
Inviato: giovedì 20 ottobre 2016 14:46
A: OSGi Developer Mail List <>
Oggetto: Re: [osgi-dev] Help

Since I pushed at the OSGi board level to move enRoute discussion here, let me 
take this back (meeting this coming week) and see what we can do. It's not 
intended to alienate anyone who were enjoying the list as it was. The idea was 
simply to coalesce two already low volume channels into one... but perhaps that 
wasn't a good idea after all.
- Ray

On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 8:39 AM, erwindl0 
<<>> wrote:

Op 10/20/2016 om 2:35 PM schreef Simon Chemouil:

Hi Peter,

Peter Kriens a écrit le 20/10/2016 13:52 :
I did a quick check on the last messages on this list:
So out of more than 60 messages, there were only 5 messages related
to OSGi enRoute. Are these your problem? Since I will spend much less
time on OSGi enRoute a new release is unlikely.
Maybe I am wrong to characterize it as enRoute. I don't know.

I do count those Zigbee messages, the native library
loading, and so on, as enRoute support. Mostly because the authors come
with a "Help me solve my whole problem" mindset, and I believe they came
to post here because they are trying enRoute (because they said so).

Karaf's ML has a lot of similar "general questions about Java/shell
help/OSGi" threads, because many Karaf users consider the whole of it as
a stack and often don't know where to ask (or don't care since they get
help wherever they ask anyway!). I believe Karaf has split their lists
between karaf-users@ for general purpose and karaf-devs@ and for more
specific spec/higher-level discussion.

By my count since it moved here more than 30% of all mail count has been
posted here because osgi-dev is the enRoute support list. (~180 mails
since ~20th of september, 60+ very basic "Help me" requests).

My problem is with the quality of the discussed content. I stayed 2 days
on Karaf's users@ ML before unregistering because of the amount of
StackOverflow/IRC kind of questions. My problem is seing the content
quality of osgi-dev@ decreasing, and because the quality was satisfying
before: mostly spec discussion on specific points, not "Help me I'm
lost" questions.

If no one else has that feeling, fine. I'm asking if others do. Łukasz
Dywicki seemed to say so quite early on I suppose he and maybe other
share the sentiment.

Best regards,

OSGi Developer Mail List<>

Raymond Augé<> (@rotty3000)
Senior Software Architect Liferay, Inc.<> (@Liferay)
Board Member & EEG Co-Chair, OSGi Alliance<> (@OSGiAlliance)
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