On 10/11/2016 11:05, Tim Ward wrote:
On 10/11/2016 10:26, Tim Verbelen wrote:
Hi Tim,

If you want to use some of the eclipse equinox bundles (such as org.eclipse.equinox.coordinator), you are kind of bound to the equinox framework since they depend on the org.eclipse.osgi.util package that is provided by the equinox framework.

Sorry, I have no idea whether I "want to use some of the eclipse equinox bundles". All I did (I think!) so far as any "configurer" (which seems to be the problem?) was concerned was put


in one of my source files, which I think I copied from one of the tutorials. I haven't found any documentation of what this actually does - is it specific to equinox, is it something that I can't use with felix? In which case what should I have written to use felix, and where do I find the documentation?

So I tried commenting out the @RequireConfigurerExtender to see what would happen (in addition, of course, to my code not working), and got the following:

karaf@root()> list
START LEVEL 100 , List Threshold: 50
 ID | State     | Lvl | Version                | Name
 56 | Active    |  80 |     | biz.aQute.remote.agent
158 | Active    |  80 | 1.0.1                  | Apache Felix Log Service
159 | Active | 80 | | com.telensa.apps.planet.pc.provider 160 | Active | 80 | | com.telensa.apps.planet.ws.application
162 | Active    |  80 | 3.2.0                  | Apache Felix Http Jetty
163 | Active    |  80 | 1.1.2                  | Apache Felix Servlet API
164 | Active | 80 | 2.0.2 | Apache Felix Declarative Services
165 | Active    |  80 | 9.3.8.v20160314        | Jetty :: Utilities
166 | Active | 80 | 9.3.8.v20160314 | Jetty :: Utilities :: Ajax(JSON) 167 | Active | 80 | | org.osgi:org.osgi.service.event 168 | Active | 80 | | org.osgi:org.osgi.service.metatype 169 | Active | 80 | | osgi.enroute.executor.simple.provider 170 | Active | 80 | | osgi.enroute.logger.simple.provider 171 | Active | 80 | | osgi.enroute.web.simple.provider
172 | Installed |  80 | 1.3.100.v20140115-1647 | Event Admin
173 | Installed |  80 | 1.4.100.v20150408-1437 | Meta Type

So my bundles are now fully resolved and active, but what on earth are the unresolved "Event Admin" and "Meta Type" doing there? - I didn't explicitly ask for them, and if their failure to resolve doesn't stop my application resolving why are they there at all?

Tim Ward

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