On 11/19/2016 11:42 AM, Tim Ward wrote:
The multiton pattern simply creates (and potentially registers a a service) a 
separate component for each factory configuration.

If these components are services then they can then be scoped -

Yes, the components are all services.

if you make the component prototype scoped then you can use a ServiceObjects to 
create a new instance of the given component for the given configuration on 

If I'm understanding you correctly for the OSGi multiton, with DS 1.3 I would use something like this

@Designate(factory=true)    // ConfigurationFactory
@Component(scope = ServiceScope.PROTOTYPE)  // PrototypeScope
class ServiceImpl implements Service {



I think this is the behaviour that you want...


Sent from my iPhone

On 19 Nov 2016, at 19:19, Scott Lewis <sle...@composent.com> wrote:

On 11/19/2016 10:42 AM, Timothy Ward wrote:
Question:   If I use a component factory as suggested above to create a 
component instance, is there a straightforward way to associate every 
newInstance with a separate/new configuration?
The way that this is done is to pass the configuration using the newInstance 
method. Effectively your pattern would be to register a ConfigurationListener 
or ManagedServiceFactory, passing the configuration Dictionary to the Component 
Factory for each Factory Configuration.

The thing is - this is almost exactly the multiton pattern, so I can’t quite 
work out why setting the DS service scope to prototype isn’t enough for what 
you want to achieve… I guess I’m just not close enough to the detail.
Is there a description and/or example of the multiton pattern usage somewhere?  
  It was my understanding (from BJ's comment) that prototype scoped instances 
shared the same component properties (rather than having separate properties as 
per component factory newInstance(props)).

This use case would like to a) have distinct service properties for every 
instance created (i.e. newInstance); b) also be able to configure each service 
instance dynamically via config admin.


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