I'm trying to follow the Enroute Quick Start Tutorial.  But I got stuck
with this build error

Cannot find /error/osgi.enroute.base.api;version=0 Not found in [bnd-cache,
Central, Local, Release, Distro]

I don't know how to fix this problem.  I think the root cause is that the
Distro repository seems to be invalid.

What is the correct cnf/ext/enroute-distro.bnd?  The steps in the tutorial
resulted in an enroute-distro.bnd that looks like

-plugin.enroute.distro = \
aQute.bnd.repository.maven.pom.provider.BndPomRepository; \
snapshotUrls=https://oss.sonatype.org/content/groups/osgi; \
releaseUrls=https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/; \
revision=org.osgi:osgi.enroute.pom.distro:2.0.0-SNAPSHOT; \
name=Distro; \

I found some August 2016 information here
https://disqus.com/home/discussion/osgi-enroute/forum_49/ suggesting using
the URL
But using that location didn't work either.

********Below I'm documenting what I did and some of the errors I'm

I noticed in this page


this text

"WARNING: This is the BETA tutorial for OSGi enRoute 2.0.0. To use the
right workspace template, go to Bndtools preferences and select Workspace
Templates. You should edit the OSGi enRoute template and select the next

In response to this text, I completed these steps.

1. Eclipse->Preferences->Bndtools->Workspace Template->GitHub Repositories
2. Click osgi/workspace
3. Click Edit.
4. In the Add Repository tab entered these values
Repository Name: osgi/workspace
Branch: next
5. Click Validate.
6. Eclipse confirms with "Validated! Clone URL is '
https://github.com/osgi/workspace.git'. Default branch 'origin/master'"
7. Click Save.
8. Eclipse updates osgi/workspace to read "osgi/workspace; branch=next".

Then I executed the steps in the "Creating the bnd Workspace" section of
200-workspace.html.  After clicking "Finish" in the workspace creation
Wizard.  I noticed that the Eclipse "Repositories" view contains a Distro
that appears to have a problem.  Expanding the Distro repository reveals

Distro->org.osgi:osgi.enroute.pom.distro [!]->2.0.0.SNAPSHOT

The Eclipse Error Log view contains
Failed to query repository Distro for bundle
org.osgi:osgi.enroute.pom.distro version 2.0.0.SNAPSHOT.

Eclipse plugin: bndtools.core
Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: For Maven artifact
at aQute.maven.provider.MavenRepository$1.run(MavenRepository.java:140)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)

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