Hi all, this is my first question in this list.

I'm trying to adjust a quite complex system, made with OSGI but which was made quite badly, in addition I have to say that I have no so much experience with OSGI.

Briefly, I have four webapps on jetty which should live inside the same Equinox runtime, till today they and their needed bundles have been deployed in a such a way that quite all bundles embedded all their dependencies, so there is a huge confusion.... while I'm hardly working to create very smaller bundles, emptying them from the embedded dependencies and making them work together in what I believe be the OSGI paradygm.

Just to let you know some other elements helping to understand my problems and knowledge here it is a question posted some weeks ago https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44897956/deploy-webapp-in-jetty-in-osgi where a very kind person exhaustively  answered.

Now i explain my current problem, I'm finally arrived to have a running webapplication, but as soon as it accesses Spring bean, it is not found, so for example I have a NPE in a row like this:

SessionDao sessionDao = (SessionDao) SpringContextProvider.getApplicationContext().getBean("sessionDao");

That bean is configured in a different bundle and for what I'm undestanding that is the matter, so after some research I arrived to "Spring Dynamic Modules", so I'm reading this http://docs.spring.io/osgi/docs/current/reference/html-single/#why-Spring DM

so my question is, am I on the right path? Should I go deeply with Spring DM to configure bean in bundle A and make it available on bundle B?

Thanks very much, bye

Raffaele Gambelli

OSGi Developer Mail List

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