You can of course infer the proper names for names for al recent Java SE releases. The list on the web page may be behind. See for the latest list in Bnd.
OSGi is no longer making execution environment jars. The need for that has passed with the end of J2ME and the need for an intersection of J2ME CDC and Java SE.
I am not sure what you mean by a best practice of using post Java 9 runtimes with OSGi. Just use them in normal classpath mode. You will probably need a recent version of you favorite OSGi framework implementation to make sure it runs well on the recent versions of Java SE.
Equinox is still the OSGi framework RI. It is released every 3 months are part of the current Eclipse release cadence.

BJ Hargrave
Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM // office: +1 386 848 1781
OSGi Fellow and CTO of the OSGi Alliance // mobile: +1 386 848 3788
----- Original message -----
From: Peter Kirschner via osgi-dev <>
Sent by:
To: "" <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [osgi-dev] (no subject)
Date: Tue, Apr 14, 2020 06:12

Hi everybody,

I have a few questions  about the future handling of JRE topics with OSGi


1. Will there be updates on the capability/profile for the Bundle-RequiredExecution environment.

The latest profile available is JavaSE-9

In the past there were ee.j2se profiles, which I found brilliant to have a JRE capability set. Due to the JRE legal issues this was not feasible in between. With current open jdk it would be again possible and allow to have a complete req/cap resolvement.


2. Is there an official guide or best-practice, how to use post java 9 runtimes with OSGi frameworks?


3. Is Equinox still the reference implementation? When is an update planned?


kind regards,



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