Hi Andrei,

find my Comments inline.

Am 06/05/2019 um 17:20 schrieb Andrei Dulvac:
This is a great and coherent answer and it made me think a lot.
> Others say you need to distribute based on your business domains, not on the low level need to share some code.

But neither choice has an impact on the size of the (micro-) service

> So microservice modularity runs orthogonally to in-process modularity. Indeed you need efficient in-process modularity to build good microservces.

What I meant when I said there's an overlap it's the modularisation part. Yes, with OSGi you can and might want to modularise your service further, but if you're going through the infra and ops cost of maintaining and deploying microservices, you can split down a larger service further into two microservices (if performance and the arch permits). And if your services are quite split already, how much benefits do the extra in-process modularisation bring you?

First off: You kind of answered you question in the following part of your mail. You can never be sure about the boundaries you will really need at the end of the day and with osgi you can split and merge your application as much and often as you need or like. Raymond Auge called this once elastic assembly, which is very hard to do with something other then OSGi. Another thing  that Microservices give you is compartmentalisation. you have functional blocks, that can be divided by teams and tested individually. OSGi gives this to you without the need to pack everything in separate containers.

Don't get me wrong, I love OSGi and, on top of that, I think it's actually a better way to start a project from a green field and make use of that modularisation. So start with a monolith in that strict sense (as you don't have the scalability part). And when you need all the advantages of microservices in the strict sense, your service is already modular (*) and you can just take out the part that needs to scale and make it a separate service that you can scale independently.

OSGi is even better for migrating a Monolith then anything else. If you have e.g. a tomcat based monolith (or anything else), you can start a Framework in your monolith and start migrating things internally. With Promises we provide a great tool to bridge any of the static access of your legacy code to the newly migrated dynamic OSGi services. This approach is much less cost intensive and error prone then pulling the monolith apart and separate them in containers right from the start.
A wise man once told me: "You will never get the architecture and domain boundaries right from the start with microservices"

(*) As long as you future-proof a bit and don't make an architecture that assumes blindly that osgi services are sharing the process with other services.

- Andrei

On Fri, May 3, 2019 at 5:32 PM Boev, Todor via osgi-dev <osgi-dev@mail.osgi.org <mailto:osgi-dev@mail.osgi.org>> wrote:

    I work on tools build OSGi-based microservices for the likes of
    K8S. By extension this includes thinking/experimenting to discover
    whether/how OSGi is applicable in these environments.

    One thing I noticed is that when you have a distributed
    application all of its pieces must coordinate their internal
    lifecycles across the network. This is more in the realm of
    communication between the microservices, rather than in the realm
    of deploying containers. For example K8S can maintain replicas of
    your containers, but this is for scalability rather than to create
    the illusion network calls can’t fail. The application running on
    top is expected to adapt on the fly. You really need good
    programming models.

    OSGi provides one elegant programming model. You already have
    services that coordinate their independent dynamic lifecycles. If
    you model an external entity as a service (e.g. a remote client
    object) you can hook your application internal state directly to
    it. Then use discovery to distribute knowledge when things are
    coming/going/relocating and have the distributed system keep
    itself in balance while K8S takes care of responding to load – it
    is a good fit.

    The other thing I have noticed is the inclination to think of
    microservices as a universal modularity solution. People brag
    about having hundreds of services with some consisting of one
    function. To share this one piece of code you seem to pay the cost
    of handling distribution, memory/cpu/network to maintain extra
    processes. This ultimately translates to paying raw money. While
    Martin Fawler promotes modularity through microservices he
    explicitly does not say where to stop if I remember correctly.
    Others say you need to distribute based on your business domains,
    not on the low level need to share some code. So microservice
    modularity runs orthogonally to in-process modularity. Indeed you
    need efficient in-process modularity to build good microservces.

    Here again OSGi can be a compelling solution since it tends to
    build really small footprint images, because it has deep
    understanding what each jar needs. This does not come for free –
    you need to describe your code well in the module metadata.

    The third thing I noticed is that it only really works well when
    you use simple/light OSGi components. Use http whiteboard, not web
    bundles. Use declarative services, not blueprint. And so on. Even
    if you use “traditional” distribution without the dynamic
    lifecycle it is still quite fun and OSGi has a lot to offer (e.g.
    JAX-RS whiteboard).

    So in general if you choose a microservice architecture and choose
    to build immutable small containers you are not at odds with OSGi.
    It actually can help. If you already have an OSGi application you
    can consider it a head start. You will have to refactor a lot to
    split your business logic into independent services, but you won’t
    refactor less if you were not OSGi based.

    Mohamed however mentioned he’d like to use ready-made solutions to
    implement application features and has issues with OSGi in that
    respect. What are they?

    OSGi can provide means to structure distributed applications, but
    it sure can’t provide an independent analog of every heavy-lifting
    framework out there.


    Todor Boev

    OSGi Platform

    Software AG

    <mailto:osgi-dev-boun...@mail.osgi.org>] *On Behalf Of *Jurgen
    Albert via osgi-dev
    *Sent:* Friday, May 3, 2019 3:41 PM
    *To:* SMAIL LOUNES; OSGi Developer Mail List
    *Subject:* Re: [osgi-dev] Migrating from OSGI to Microservices

    Well, like I said: Kubernetes only knows and cares about
    Containers (Pods) and nothing about any application life cycle.
    You can define e.g. dependencies like an application container
    requires a container with a DB. So when someone triggers the start
    of your application container it will make sure that the DB
    container is started and as far as I remember will set the
    coordinates to the DB as system properties for you. However, It
    will not know the state of readyness of your application or the
    DB. As an example, we have search server tailor maid for one of
    our customers. On first start it rebuilds the index from the raw
    data in their DB. This can take a couple of minutes. For
    Kubernetes the container is up and running, but the server will
    not be available to answer queries until the index is ready.

    Thus, if you want to use the Kubernetes API to start a Pod for a
    specific services it you can do that, but everything else is not
    in its scope. It is just a convenient tool to manage an
    Infrastructure. The rest belongs to your application domain.



    Am 03/05/2019 um 14:16 schrieb SMAIL LOUNES:

        Thank you for this remarkable answer,

        I'm working on a research project about developping a highly
        distributed and dynamic  communication platform, so we're
        looknig for using kubernetes to manage µservices life cycle,
        osgi is a condidate too. we can use an osgi container to
        deploy some µservices.. do you have an idea about using
        kubernetes for life cycle mangement and how integrate it's API

        Thank you so much, Best regards

        Le ven. 3 mai 2019 à 12:25, Jürgen Albert via osgi-dev
        <osgi-dev@mail.osgi.org <mailto:osgi-dev@mail.osgi.org>> a écrit :

            Hi Mohamed,

            I had the fortune and in parts misfortune of being part of
            a few such migration projects. Besides our own internal
            one, everyone decided against OSGi. The descension was
            always because of personal resentment and/or because
            everybody had his personal favourite toy they wanted to
            play with. The reasons ranged from " We don't want to use
            Eclipse" (enroute with maven  wasn't available at the
            time) over "We want spring because we don't understand
            OSGi and it seems to complicated" to " Java is outdated,
            we want to build it with NodeJS". They all jumped on the
            Martin Fowler approach without really considering what it
            means in the end. Each ended in disaster or went through a
            hard phase of near disaster with jobs and reputations on
            the line. Most ended up with something OSGiish with a lot
            of the pain going along with modularity but missing most
            of its benefits.

            The issue is complex but we Identified one main reason:

            Modularity is an abstract concept for many developers.
            Spring for example does not really teach and force a
            developer to think in a modular fashion. All I saw was a
            bunch of smaller Monoliths packed in Docker containers.
            The dynamic nature of a Microservice environment OSGi
            addresses with its Bundle and Service life cycle , was
            pushed in the realm of Kubernetes. But Kubernetes (or
            comparable Systems) is made for managing your Containers
            and not for any application and service life cycle. Thus
            one needs at least a few Developers/Architects that have
            modularity internalised and address issues early on.

            Another issue with the Martin Fowler approach you have
            already addressed. A fully distributed system comes with a
            lot of different problems (e.g. caches). Also the point of
            network latency and the time serialization and
            deserialization is an underestimated issue.

            Like Neil stated: If you are already have an OSGi
            application you already have a microservice architecture,
            but maybe no distributed one. The way to go is build a
            good microservice monolith (or modulith, like it is called
            nowadays) and then move only the services to there own
            containers, that really need scaling. Graham Charters talk
            from the 2016 EclipseCon Europe addresses this quite

            By your mention of blueprint, I deduct that you might use
            an older version of OSGi. Our internal project was
            somewhat similar and we managed to go distributed without
            major problems. We migrated to the latest OSGi Version and
            used bnd instead of PDE. Later we moved some service to
            there own container. It worked like charm. We could even
            show the process to a customer, with zero downtime, by
            pulling up the new containers and removing bundles with
            the local service implementations while the system was

            Regarding your point of finding/keep OSGi developers: This
            is something we are confronted with rather often. The best
            way get developers sold on OSGi is using the latest
            version of it together with bnd (pure or with the maven
            integration). The development speed you can reach and
            maintain even in complex applications makes most other
            Java developers jealous and interested to learn more.



            Am 03/05/2019 um 10:57 schrieb Mohamed AFIF via osgi-dev:

                Hi  Andrei,

                My question had as aim to collect some experiences of
                suchs migrations if this exist, we're in brainstorming
                phase and I'm not making any judgement value about
                OSGI or microservices architecture,  but what we push
                to believe that we should probely move toward another
                technology, is:  the business requirement, indeed we
                want to expose our service to clients as API, and the
                several technical complications we 've ve been faced
                to everytime we want to implement a feature easily
                provided and could be implemented by other open
                framework in the market, there is also the Human
                ressource question is involved beacause it's not easy
                find/keep OSGI developers.

                personaly  I think that OSGI is a perfect tehcnology
                for servers or embedded system, but I've some doubt
                when it's regarding applications with open
                architectures, it's my own view and I could be wrong




                Obviously a simple

                Le jeu. 2 mai 2019 à 16:52, Andrei Dulvac
                <dul...@apache.org <mailto:dul...@apache.org>> a écrit :

                    Hi Mohamed, Neil.

                    Neil, while I agree with you, I think Mohamed
                    means it in the more "modern", widely-accepted sense:



                    In short, the microservice architectural style [1]
                    is an approach to developing a single application
                    as a suite of small services, each running in its
                    own process and communicating with lightweight
                    mechanisms, often an HTTP resource API.


                    Mohamed, I'm curious what you end up with. Without
                    getting too much into it, I dismissed the idea as
                    something "not worth it".

                    - Andrei

                    On Thu, May 2, 2019 at 12:37 PM Neil Bartlett via
                    osgi-dev <osgi-dev@mail.osgi.org
                    <mailto:osgi-dev@mail.osgi.org>> wrote:

                        Well the good news is that OSGi is already a
                        microservice architecture, so you have already
                        finished. Congratulations!

                        If that answer doesn't quite satisfy you,
                        maybe you'd like to describe in more detail
                        what you are attempting to achieve and why?



                        On Thu, 2 May 2019 at 11:06, Mohamed AFIF via
                        osgi-dev <osgi-dev@mail.osgi.org
                        <mailto:osgi-dev@mail.osgi.org>> wrote:

                            Hello everybody,

                            We 're starting to study the possibility
                            to transform our architcteure in order to
                            migrate from OSGI to microservice
                            architecture, and I would like to know if
                            there is alreay some people who had
                            thought about this subject or already
                            start this migration.

                            Because at first sight it would not be an
                            easy task, many problems/issues we will be
                            facing to them (blueprint injections,
                            managing ditrubued caches instead of one
                            cache in one JVM...)

                            Many thanks


                            Mohamed AFIF

                            OSGi Developer Mail List

                        OSGi Developer Mail List


                Mohamed AFIF


                OSGi Developer Mail List

                osgi-dev@mail.osgi.org  <mailto:osgi-dev@mail.osgi.org>


            Jürgen Albert


            Data In Motion Consulting GmbH

            Kahlaische Str. 4

            07745 Jena

            Mobil:  0157-72521634

            E-Mail:j.alb...@datainmotion.de  <mailto:j.alb...@datainmotion.de>

            Web:www.datainmotion.de  <http://www.datainmotion.de>



            Jena HBR 513025

            OSGi Developer Mail List
            osgi-dev@mail.osgi.org <mailto:osgi-dev@mail.osgi.org>


    Jürgen Albert


    Data In Motion Consulting GmbH

    Kahlaische Str. 4

    07745 Jena

    Mobil:  0157-72521634

    E-Mail:j.alb...@datainmotion.de  <mailto:j.alb...@datainmotion.de>

    Web:www.datainmotion.de  <http://www.datainmotion.de>



    Jena HBR 513025

    OSGi Developer Mail List
    osgi-dev@mail.osgi.org <mailto:osgi-dev@mail.osgi.org>

Jürgen Albert

Data In Motion Consulting GmbH

Kahlaische Str. 4
07745 Jena

Mobil:  0157-72521634
E-Mail: j.alb...@datainmotion.de
Web: www.datainmotion.de

XING:   https://www.xing.com/profile/Juergen_Albert5


Jena HBR 513025

OSGi Developer Mail List

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