+  India didn't stand by its friends in Bangladesh when it mattered,
and now that nation is an anti-India, Islamic fundamentalist hotbed.
In Sri Lanka, India confused friend with foe, and alienated all
constituencies. A patronizing attitude toward Nepal, fostered in part
by a large amount of Indian aid, has turned a growing number of
influential Nepalese against India. In staging the royal coup in
defiance of India's express warning, the monarch called India's bluff.
States have understood: It doesn't pay to be India's friend. +

Dak Bangla:

India Adopting Double Standard on Democracy in Neighboring States
Brahma Chellaney

NEW DELHI, March 6: The growing warmth in US-Indian relations is
getting strangely reflected in India's adoption of US-style dual
standards on democracy.

Over the decades, the United States has had a penchant to cozy up to
dictators in strategically located or resource-rich nations while
advocating democracy to others. It built up the Shah of Iran, Mobutu
Sese Seko in Congo, Ferdinand Marcos in the Philippines, Suharto in
Indonesia and Saddam Hussein in Iraq. Unmindful that its blind support
of the previous Pakistani military dictator helped rear what later
became al-Qaeda, Washington today toasts President Gen. Pervez
Musharraf of Pakistan as a model ruler and friend, showering his
regime with billions of dollars in aid.

Still, in a pretentious vision to spread democracy, US President
George W. Bush used the words "liberty" and "freedom" more than four
dozen times in his recent inaugural address.

Now, New Delhi and Washington have joined hands to promote democracy
in Nepal while keeping mum on the strengthening of Pakistan's one-man
junta. When Musharraf reneged on his pledge to quit as Army Chief by
Dec. 31, the US looked the other way. India has also kept quiet
despite having helped Pakistan return to the British Commonwealth on
the basis of that pledge.

Like Washington, India is also treating Pakistan as deserving of
special favors. One recent example is its decision to open
negotiations on an overland gas pipeline from pariah Iran through
renegade Pakistan, after de-linking the project from Islamabad's
continued refusal to establish even normal trading ties with India.
The pipeline, yielding hundreds of millions of dollars in annual
royalties through transit and other fees, will be a major
foreign-exchange earner for Pakistan.

In contrast, India has taken a tough, menacing stance against Nepal,
putting on hold all military aid and senior-level visits after the
monarch there seized direct power. To be sure, a despotic king with a
wayward son as heir to the throne gives India little comfort. But
India's security had come under pressure during Nepal's faltering
democratic experiment, which not only helped nurture a spreading
Maoist insurrection in the countryside but also allowed Pakistani
intelligence to set up safe houses in the Nepalese capital and stage
the hijacking of Indian Airlines Flight IC-814 in December 1999. A
Maoist triumph in Nepal, which has open borders with India, would be
like the Talibanization of a member-state of the European Union.

By suspending cooperation with Nepal, India risks playing into the
hands of an overly ambitious China, which has been adroit at seizing
any opportunity that a state's isolation may open up, as it has shown
in Myanmar, Iran and elsewhere. With a vastly upgraded infrastructure
in Tibet and links with several Nepalese players, Beijing has
developed leverage over Nepal, which former leader Mao Zedong had
described as one of the fingers of the Tibetan palm, the other
fingers, according to him, being Bhutan and three Indian states --
Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh and Kashmir. China occupies one-fifth of
Kashmir and, in its maps, shows Sikkim as independent and Arunachal
Pradesh as its territory.

On balance, genuine democracy (not the palace-dictated type disbanded
by an aggrandizing king) remains India's best bet in Nepal. The same
is true in Pakistan, where military rule has usually fattened
India-hating, Punjabi-dominated governing elites ready to try out
their fantasies on the battlefield.

India emulates the US dual standard on democracy, but in an inverse
way -- it badgers buddies and flatters foes. One proffered reason for
calling off the summit meeting of the South Asian Association of
Regional Cooperation in Dhaka, Bangladesh, in February was that Indian
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was loath to shake hands with the
Nepalese monarch and provide him political respectability in the
aftermath of the palace coup. King Gyanendra could return the
compliment by sending New Delhi a framed picture of Singh, all smiles
like a Cheshire cat, fawningly clasping Musharraf's hand with both his
hands in New York last fall.

When another neighborhood autocrat, Premier Wen Jiabao of China, makes
his much-trumpeted visit to India in the spring, he can be sure no
Indian will dare raise issues of human rights, political prisoners and
press freedom with him. Those issues India has set aside for friendly
but vulnerable states like Nepal and Bhutan.

Randall Schweller, in his book "Deadly Imbalances," classifies nations
with a built-in craving for revision or hazardous gain as "wolves" and
"jackals," and status quo states as "lambs" or "lions." India
eminently qualifies as a "lamb," wedged between "wolf" China and
"jackal" Pakistan. Lamb-like, India is wary of backing friends but
eager to please enemies.

India didn't stand by its friends in Bangladesh when it mattered, and
now that nation is an anti-India, Islamic fundamentalist hotbed. In
Sri Lanka, India confused friend with foe, and alienated all
constituencies. A patronizing attitude toward Nepal, fostered in part
by a large amount of Indian aid, has turned a growing number of
influential Nepalese against India. In staging the royal coup in
defiance of India's express warning, the monarch called India's bluff.
States have understood: It doesn't pay to be India's friend.

While seeking to penalize Nepal in the name of democracy, India has
been inexplicably silent on the European Union's move to lift its
15-year ban on arms sales to the world's largest autocracy, China.
Having forged a strategic partnership with the EU, India has every
right to speak up on an issue that concerns both its love for
democracy and its security. Yet, it is not even hinting that, as a
condition for lifting the EU arms embargo, China demonstrate respect
for human rights as India would have Nepal do.

While the US and Japan exert pressure on the EU, India quietly watches
from the sidelines the outcome of an issue with significant
implications for Indian security. If China gets state-of-the-art
weapon systems, the balance of power across Asia would be undermined
and India's security would come under greater pressure.

Contrast India's reticence with China's outspokenness. Although India
has so far not considered buying the US Patriot antimissile system,
China was quick to react last week to reports of preliminary Indian-US
discussions, warning that such a sale would not be "conducive for the
maintenance of peace and stability."

But when the EU contemplates selling sophisticated arms and technology
to Beijing, India does not say a word on the move's potential impact
on peace and stability, or about the need for China to come clean on
its illicit nuclear transfers to Pakistan and missile sales to
Islamabad and Tehran.

As the only thriving democracy in a vast region stretching from Jordan
to China, India can rightly be proud of its deeply-rooted democratic
traditions. It is spot on in seeking the emergence of "the whole of
South Asia," in the recent words of its foreign secretary, as "a
community of flourishing democracies."

Democracies, by structure and disposition, have a partiality toward
cooperation and conciliation. But in preaching democracy to others,
India needs to appreciate the value of consistency, courage and

The writer is professor of strategic studies at the Center for Policy
Research in New Delhi. This article was published in The Japan Times

Dak Bangla is a Bangladesh based South Asian Intelligence Scan Magazine.
URL: http://www.dakbangla.blogspot.com

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