Islamic Hypocrisies

By: Vernon Richards <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> , author of  Islam
Undressed <> 

            America is hated in large parts of the Middle East and Asia, but
the more educated and affluent Muslims usually wear Levi jeans while
shouting 'death to America '. When the cameras are gone and the frenzy is
over, they can often be found cueing up at Western embassies, hoping for a
visa to immigrate in search of a better life. This hate/love relationship
many Muslims have with western democracy, freedoms, culture, and technology
is despised by their more aged Imams, who then respond by ratcheting-up the
hate America sermons. They paint illusions of Western conspiracies into
young minds in the region, desperately trying to hold back the forces of
enlightenment and change.

            Muslim spokespersons claim moral purity in their fight against
decadent Westerners. Indeed, if a Muslim is told an infidel slept with a
nine years old girl, they would condemn him for being a pedophile. But
mention the Prophet Mohammed slept with a girl of the same age, and watch
him overact with all kinds of rationalizations such as 'girls in those days
matured fast' or 'it was normal and acceptable in that culture', etc.
Apparently it was also normal in those days to rape a widow the same night
you slaughtered her beloved husband in an unprovoked raid. To normal
thinking feeling human beings, the phrase most merciful would not seem to
apply to either of these divinely sanctioned acts by Muhammad, yet somehow
that contradiction is lost to Muslims.

            We hear Muslims believe the Black Stone circled in Mecca is
conscious and will testify for and against them on Judgment Day (though they
will deny it, the stone and ritual is based on a pagan deity). Meanwhile
Muslims all over the world gleefully bring down un-Islamic idols, statues,
and figures representing deities in other religions. The physical
manifestation of Allah, in the form of a conscience stone, is an important
core of Muslims connection with deity. A pillar of Islam states that every
individual must make a pilgrimage to the stone and pay homage. Having done
so, a good Muslims can then return to his/her home and with greater piety
plot violence against pagan idol worshipers of all sorts.

            The world continues to find disappointment as it waits for the
majority of moderate Muslims to bring the extremists into line. The
problem is that even moderate Muslims have enormous capacity to absorb great
hypocrisies. Remaining completely unfazed, they continue to call monsters
who target innocent women and children in Israel mujahedeen (holy
warriors). But then, even the term holy war (Jihad) is an oxymoron. There
is nothing holy about War, even when necessary to preserve a society, and
there is certainly nothing warlike in any pure religion based on a kind
benevolent God. The last 1400 years of history warn us that the typical
Muslim variant of War usually involves targeting innocents, raping, and
pillaging. Thinking, feeling human beings consider such acts much less than
Holy, despite the usual chants of Allah Akbar by vile marauders.
Muslims, however, seem largely oblivious to the self-evident truth that the
greatest blasphemers in any religion are those who kill in Gods name.
Numerous videos exist showing chanting Islamists sawing off the head of some
poor victim. Such videos are in high demand in Islamic lands, in what can
only be described as some form of sick Islamic rapture. What are in reality
the worst examples of hypocrisy and human depravity, is to many Muslims
wonderful examples of pure spirituality. If a spirit is involved with such
human depravity, it can only be an evil spirit, and could not be a spirit
based on kindness, love, mercy, and forgiveness. Those who take pleasure
from someone elses pain are correctly called Sadists, and are mentally and
emotionally maladjusted (ill).

Acts by sadistic terrorists produce by design extreme human suffering and
pain to innocent and unsuspecting victims. Instead of an act of wanton
brutality and murder producing shame for the family of the perpetrator, it
is common for a festive ceremony known as "the wedding of the martyr" ('irs
al-shahid) to be held in honor of the murderer. The celebration is held to
symbolize the murders wedding in paradise with 72 virgins. At these events,
the family receives guests who offer more congratulations than condolences
for their son's martyrdom. So the same culture that requires a son to
brutally murder a daughter to 'preserve family honor', also celebrates
wholesale murder of innocents, both acts defended as the requirements of
family/religious honor. Its a strange thing, this Islamic concept of
honor. As George Orwell said; "There are spectacles before which even satire
herself stands mute." Duplicity is the ability to articulate and adhere to
two completely opposing moral standards at the same time, and is a sign of
both intellectual immaturity and moral bankruptcy. Sadly, even reading these
words, most Muslims will see no contradiction whatsoever, the natural result
of a lifetime of conformity to Islam and shunning critical thought.

            Individuality and humanity were the first causalities of
Muhammads Ummah (Muslim collective). Normal human reasoning and feeling
were replaced with teachings and practices which serve to blunt conscience,
suppress the heart, and cloud the mind. Muhammads religion supplanted any
opportunity for individual virtue and spiritual growth, replacing it instead
with required obedience to a culture steeped in misogamy, bigotry, racism,
and violence. Whereas most of us see ourselves as humans first and consider
other humans as sanctioned beings, Muslims see themselves as Muslims first
and non-Muslims as something much less than human. Muslim militants are
constantly reinforced with the idea they are the best of people and
reminded non-believers are worthless to their Allah. With this
bigoted/racist theology placed firmly in their hearts, they can easily view
the pain and death of all non-brothers as a good thing, by whatever method.
In this way horrible acts committed by Muslim martyrs become sacred acts
to be revered. When firmly in place, this Teflon theological/psychological
construct shields victimizers from normal guilt or regret, easily allowing
the Muslim collective to escape all culpability in their own minds and
hearts.  Being neither blind or stupid, they plainly see the blood on their
own hands, yet remain unmoved in sincere belief that Allah is pleased at
such a spectacle. We should not be so surprised that an entire culture can
be deceived by such pure evil, as it has happened on a national level before
in recent history. Nazi thugs justified vile acts in the same way, using the
same kind of thought processes and methods of psychological

             Feb 28, 2005, suicide bomber Raid Mansour al-Banna detonated a
car bomb at a busy bazaar in Hilla Iraq, killing 132 Muslims and seriously
injuring 120 more. Iraqis were incensed that a 'irs al-shahid was celebrated
by the Jordanian family of the murderer. But the same people so angry at the
murder of innocent family members would likely have attended that hated
celebration if the victims had been Americans, Jews, Russians, Hindus,
Christians, ..whatever. In many lands, Muslims danced in the streets when
3000 innocent Americans were killed on 9/11. Today, many worldwide take glee
witnessing the various beheadings, executions, and other unspeakable images
shown repeatedly on Arabic satellite TV to a demanding audience, even
amongst pro-democracy Shiites in Iraq. Tongues click in many peaceful
households for what passes as spirituality to these poor brainwashed people.
In an ongoing blatant example of Islamic hypocrisy, a deafening silence is
observed throughout the Arab world while horrendous crimes continue to be
committed by Muslim Arabs against their Muslim brothers, sisters, and
children in Sudan. Islamic leaders strain and choke on a sand fly, yet it
seems an adult camel can easily slide down their throat.

            For the last 1400 years, millions of victims have been
persecuted by devout Muslims following Muhammads enshrined tenants based on
anti-Semitism, bigotry, and racism. To real Muslims, the infidels brutally
murdered 9/11 were deserving of their fate, because they were worthless and
unloved by Allah.  So many continue to believe in a doctrine to dominate
and subjugate others, believing in a man who told them God sanctifies
murder, slavery, lying, rape, arson, and thievery against other human beings
(albeit non-believers), as acts of great piety which will be rewarded in
Islamic heaven. All the while Islamic historians continue to rewrite history
to turn Muslim marauders into champions and blood-thirsty terrorists into
Saints. From the distorted Muslim prospective, Muslims are always presented
as the poor, picked-on, persecuted lot, such self-pity providing
justification for any and all criminal acts. Their culture feeds extremism
instead of sanctioning and subduing such destabilization. Destabilization
and chaos is a tool of Islamists to weaken and subdue other cultures and
societies, and contributors to such anarchy are congratulated instead of
jailed. When no provocation exists, one can always be easily created before
or after the fact. Conspiracies abound in the mind of Muslim leaders from
Muhammad to today, which have served to more than justify 1400 years of very
real Muslim conspiracies against her neighbors.

            Islamic politicians demand western societies show tolerance
toward Islamic laws and customs, while no such accommodation is offered
non-Muslims in Islamic lands. CAIR and other Islamic organizations in the US
are quick to pull the trigger claiming religious persecution, seeing civil
rights violations in every shadow. Meanwhile the same sensitive
individuals remain in complete denial to human rights violations perpetrated
by Muslims worldwide. The UN and Organization of Islamic States are equally
quick to complain of the slightest appearance of bias, but even quicker to
ignore gross violations of human-rights perpetrated by Muslims against
non-believers. All Muslims victims must be properly avenged, but apparently
there is no such thing as an Infidel victim. When the victim is not Muslim,
or insufficiently Muslim, hyper-sensitivity suddenly turns to mind-boggling

            Muslim spokesmen claim to oppose intolerance, then in the same
breath attack anyone who exposes the criminality of any Muslim brother. When
U.S. Marine in Iraq killed a wounded terrorist, in a place where wounded
terrorists are a fatal threat, Muslims demand justice and revenge. But when
vile Muslim murderers kill an helpless woman serving needy Iraqi Muslims for
decades, Muslims can only shrug their shoulders, and the perpetrators are
protected instead of being brought to justice. When Dutchman filmmaker Theo
Van Gogh was silenced by an Islamic assassin, Muslim leaders so concerned
with accommodation and tolerance suggest he brought such misfortune upon
himself by insulting the Quran. These sensitive, socially concerned Muslims
tell us no one is allowed to criticize the Quran or Islam. Apparently free
speech refers only the right of Muslims to preach bigotry and hatred, but
any right to free speech must remain subservient to Islamic
hyper-sensitivity to criticism. Pious Muslims tell us that critics of the
teachings or person of Muhammad are blasphemers who have lost their right to
live. Obviously the word tolerant does not mean the same thing to both
Muslims and Westerners. As Dorothy said in the Wizard of Oz; I dont think
were in Kansas anymore, Toto.

            But how can we help Muslims, who feel superior in every way to
non-believers, escape the system causing so much pain to themselves and
others? Should we heap more respect on the religious philosophy that has led
to the sorrow, or do we use tough love to articulate clearly the root source
of all their social/cultural sorrows? In fact, Muslims must each find their
own way to escape the grip of Islam, through individual-study, brutal
self-honesty, and enlightenment replacing the failed tenants of Islam. It is
a personal struggle we all need to succeed at in order to protect ourselves
from becoming the unwitting tools of despots and tyrants. Personal virtue,
self-respect, joy, and happiness are the natural rewards of such a journey,
in this life and the next. Personal misery and
intellectual/spiritual/physical bondage are the natural consequences of
failing in our responsibilities of personal progression, in this life and
the next. Brother, choose success!


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