"Mr. Yoo was a primary author of a series of legal opinions on the 
fight against terrorism, including one that said the Geneva 
Conventions did not apply and at least two others that countenanced 
the use of highly coercive interrogation techniques on terror 
suspects. Recently, current and former officials said he also wrote a 
still-secret 2002 memorandum that gave legal backing to the 
administration's secret program to eavesdrop on the international 
communications of Americans and others inside the United States 
without federal warrants."


December 23, 2005

The Advocate

A Junior Aide Had a Big Role in Terror Policy 


Moments after planes crashed into the World Trade Center and the 
Pentagon, lawyers in the Justice Department's elite Office of Legal 
Counsel began crowding into the office of one of the agency's newest 
deputies, John C. Yoo, to watch the horror unfold on his television 

"We all stood around watching this event, and he just seemed very 
calm, like he wasn't going to let these terrorists stop him from 
doing his work," recalled Robert J. Delahunty, a friend of Mr. Yoo's 
who worked in the office.

Fearful of another attack and told that all "nonessential personnel" 
should evacuate, Mr. Delahunty and others streamed out of the 
department's headquarters and walked home. Mr. Yoo, then a 34-year-
old former law professor whose academic work had focused on foreign 
affairs and war-powers issues, was asked to stay behind, and he 
quickly found himself in the department's command center, on the 
phone to lawyers at the White House.

Within weeks, Mr. Yoo had begun to establish himself as a critical 
player in the Bush administration's legal response to the terrorist 
threat, and an influential advocate for the expansive claims of 
presidential authority that have been a hallmark of that response. 

While a mere deputy assistant attorney general in the legal counsel 
office, Mr. Yoo was a primary author of a series of legal opinions on 
the fight against terrorism, including one that said the Geneva 
Conventions did not apply and at least two others that countenanced 
the use of highly coercive interrogation techniques on terror 
suspects. Recently, current and former officials said he also wrote a 
still-secret 2002 memorandum that gave legal backing to the 
administration's secret program to eavesdrop on the international 
communications of Americans and others inside the United States 
without federal warrants.

A genial, soft-spoken man with what friends say is a fiercely 
competitive streak, Mr. Yoo built particularly strong working 
relationships with several key legal officials in the White House and 
the Pentagon. Some current and former government officials contend 
that those relationships were in fact so close that Mr. Yoo was able 
to operate with a degree of autonomy that rankled senior Justice 
Department officials, including John Ashcroft, then the attorney 

More than two years after Mr. Yoo returned to teaching, controversy 
over some of the legal positions he staked out for the administration 
in his two years in government has only continued to grow. Last year, 
an opinion he wrote on interrogations with the head of the legal 
counsel office, Jay S. Bybee, was publicly disavowed by the White 
House, a highly unusual step. Now, the revelation of the 
eavesdropping program has renewed the criticism. 

In the uproar, Mr. Yoo has stood fast and even smiled cheerfully. 
Despite occasional campus protests and calls for his resignation, he 
has remained - somewhat incongruously but, he says, quite happily - 
on the law faculty at the liberal University of California, Berkeley. 
He keeps a busy schedule of speeches and debates at colleges and 
universities around the country. He is promoting a new book, and 
appears frequently on television to take on legal and policy issues 
that many former officials will discuss only under cloak of anonymity.

"I didn't go into these subjects looking for a brawl," Mr. Yoo said 
in an interview. Of his work at the Justice Department he added: "I 
had this job, and I had these questions to answer. I think it's my 
responsibility to explain how I thought them through."

Mr. Yoo is often identified as the most aggressive among a group of 
conservative legal scholars who have challenged the importance of 
international law in the American legal system. But his signature 
contributions to the policies of the Bush administration have had 
more to do with his forceful assertion of wide presidential powers in 

While Mr. Yoo has become almost famous for some of his writings - the 
refutation of both his academic and government work has become almost 
a cottage industry among more liberal legal scholars and human rights 
lawyers - much less is known about how he came to wield the 
remarkable influence he had after Sept. 11 on issues related to 

That Washington tale began about a decade before Mr. Yoo joined the 
administration in July 2001, when he finished at Yale Law School and 
won a clerkship with Judge Laurence H. Silberman of the United States 
Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, a keen spotter 
of young legal talent and a patriarch of the network of conservative 
lawyers who have occupied key positions throughout the Bush 

By then, Mr. Yoo already thought of himself as solidly conservative. 
He had grown up with anticommunist parents who left their native 
South Korea for Philadelphia shortly after Mr. Yoo was born in 1967, 
and had honed his political views while an undergraduate at Harvard.

>From the chambers of Judge Silberman, Mr. Yoo moved on to a clerkship 
with Justice Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court, stopping briefly 
at Berkeley. Justice Thomas helped place him with Senator Orrin G. 
Hatch, Republican of Utah, as general counsel on the Senate Judiciary 

Along the way, Mr. Yoo passed up a chance to work in the Washington 
office of the law firm Jones Day, where he caught the eye of a senior 
partner, Timothy E. Flanigan. After five years that Mr. Yoo spent at 
Berkeley, writing on legal aspects of foreign affairs, war powers and 
presidential authority, the two men met up again when Mr. Yoo joined 
the Bush campaign's legal team, where Mr. Flanigan was a key 

Mr. Flanigan became the deputy White House counsel under Alberto R. 
Gonzales. Mr. Yoo ended up as a deputy in the Justice Department's 
Office of Legal Counsel, or the O.L.C., a small unit of lawyers that 
advises the executive branch on constitutional questions and on the 
legality of complex or disputed policy issues.

After the attacks of Sept. 11, Mr. Yoo - the only deputy with much 
expertise on foreign policy and war powers - began dealing with the 
White House and other agencies more directly than he might have 

Mr. Flanigan, who had led the legal counsel office himself at the end 
of the first Bush administration, was acutely aware of its role in 
providing a legal grounding for the kinds of policy decisions the 
White House faced. He called over for advice soon after the World 
Trade Center towers fell.

"John Yoo, given his academic background and interests, was sort of 
the go-to guy on foreign affairs and military power issues," Mr. 
Flanigan said in an interview, referring to the legal counsel office 
staff. "He was the one that Gonzales and I went to to get advice on 
those issues on 9/11, and it just continued."

The torrent of opinions that Mr. Yoo churned out in the months that 
followed was striking, notwithstanding the research and writing 
assistance he had from lawyers on the office staff. Although only a 
portion of those documents have become public, copies of some still-
confidential memorandums reviewed by The New York Times give a flavor 
of their sweeping language.

On Sept. 20, Mr. Yoo wrote to Mr. Flanigan about the president's 
constitutional authority to conduct military operations against 
terrorists and nations that support them. He noted that two 
Congressional resolutions recognized the president's authority to use 
force in such circumstances.

"Neither, however, can place any limits on the president's 
determinations as to any terrorist threat, the amount of military 
force to be used in response, or the method, timing and nature of the 
response," he wrote. Similar language concludes a memo written by Mr. 
Yoo on Sept. 25, only a week after Congress authorized President Bush 
to use military force against Al Qaeda and its supporters.

"One concern that people have raised is that John had a lot of these 
views going into the government and was perhaps overeager to write 
them," said Curtis A. Bradley, a law professor at Duke University 
who, like Mr. Yoo, has written skeptically about the import of 
international law. "In terms of war powers, you won't find a 
tremendous number of scholars who will go as far as he does."

Mr. Yoo's belief in the wide inherent powers of the president as 
commander in chief was strongly shared by one of the most influential 
legal voices in the administration's policy debates on terrorism, 
David S. Addington, then the counsel to Vice President Dick Cheney. 
Documents and interviews suggest that those views have been part of 
the legal arguments underpinning not only coercive interrogation and 
the prosecution of terrorism suspects before military tribunals but 
also the eavesdropping program.

Some current and former officials said the urgency of events after 
Sept. 11 and the close ties that Mr. Yoo developed with Mr. Addington 
(who is now Mr. Cheney's chief of staff), Mr. Gonzales, Mr. Flanigan 
and the general counsel of the Defense Department, William J. Haynes 
II, had sometimes led him to bypass the elaborate clearance process 
to which opinions from the legal counsel office were normally 

Mr. Yoo's January 2002 conclusions that the Geneva Conventions did 
not apply to the conflict in Afghanistan and that the conventions' 
minimum standards did not cover terrorists touched off a long, hard-
fought battle within the administration, in which lawyers for the 
State Department and the military services strongly disputed his 
views. Thereafter, several senior officials said, those lawyers were 
sometimes excluded from the drafting of more delicate opinions.

For example, they said, Mr. Yoo's much-criticized 2002 memorandum 
with Mr. Bybee on interrogations - which said that United States law 
prohibited only methods that would cause "lasting psychological harm" 
or pain "akin to that which accompanies serious physical injury such 
as death or organ failure" - was not shared with either State 
Department or military lawyers, despite its implications for their 

"They were not getting enough critical feedback from within O.L.C., 
or from within the Justice Department, or from other agencies," one 
former official said of Mr. Yoo's opinions. Officials said senior 
aides to Attorney General Ashcroft also complained that they were not 
adequately informed about some of the Mr. Yoo's frequent discussions 
with the White House. 

Mr. Yoo said he had always duly notified Justice Department officials 
or other agencies about the opinions he provided except when "I was 
told by people very high in the government not to for classification 

Yesterday, with controversy brewing again about some of the policies 
on which Mr. Yoo worked, he said he was unmoved.

"If you're being criticized for what you did and you believe that 
what you did was right, you shouldn't take it lying down," he 
said. "You should go out and defend yourself."

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