<> &id=41780


The Realities of Edged Weapons Combat: Separating Myth from Reality 

by  <>
Ernest Emerson
<>  (more by
this author)

Posted 02/15/2011 ET


Edged weapons, be it spears, knives or swords have always been the primary
weapon used in close quarters combat between individuals. Of course this is
a given, in the times before the invention of explosive discharge weapons
(firearms). This was a time where the primary projectile weapons were the
bow and arrow, sling, and Javelin. On a larger scale the Romans used a large
catapult called the Onager (wild ass) and the Ballista, a large mechanical
crossbow capable of firing various projectiles and, there were the Greek
versions of the same weapons, the Oxybeles and the Lithobolos. However, in
the end, conflicts between armies always came down to the skills of the
individual foot soldier. Foot soldiers from any of the classical historical
periods were typically armed with a spear(s), helmet, some degree of armor,
a sword, knife and shield.

It is easy to surmise that as the distance decreased between the opposing
lines these weapons were deployed when they were most effective. Now in
respect to spears, they were used for two purposes. Once purpose was
throwing and the other purpose was for stabbing and maintaining a defensive
posture much like the spines of the porcupine.

Greek warfare was generally designed around the idea that two opposing lines
would eventually advance toward each other in formation until the distance
was close enough to engage in close quarters battle. Hence the invention of
the Phalanx, which was made possible by the introduction of the large Hoplon
Shield, allowing the Greeks to create a formation where they would close
ranks, overlapping their shields and fight by thrusting their spears over
the tops of this wall of armor.

This Phalanx formation has led to the idea that the Greek Spear which ranged
in size from 10 to 15 feet was only used for thrusting. This may have indeed
been true for most of the uses in the front lines of the phalanx, but the
Greeks, and I include the Spartans, generally under this term, also employed
Javelin throwers who would hurl their Javelins (Shorter versions of the
typical Spear) from behind the front lines along with archers and slingers
who would add to the pressure of the continually advancing front. Once the
lines of either side had been broken and the spears became unwieldy in
extreme close quarters, swords were drawn and used to stab and slash from
behind the shields. There were two main types of Greek swords used in the
classical period, the Hopolite sword a slash and thrust weapon and the Kopis
(Greek) or Falcata (Latin) a sword whose design is more suited for chopping
or slashing, much like the Nepalese Kukri (Gurkha Knife). The Spartans
generally used a shortened version of the Hopolite Sword which as a result
became primarily a thrusting weapon. It must be understood that almost all
individual combat reflected the overall aim of Greek tactics which was to
fight from behind the shield. It was considered more honorable to lose all
of your weapons in battle than to lose your shield. Spartan Warriors were
instructed to either return with your shield or upon your shield.

It would seem that the use of the sword in Greek Warfare was considered
secondary to the use of the spear and only employed if ranks were broken or
the spear was broken or lost. The Greek sword appears to have been used as
both a thrusting and a hacking type weapon judging from the design which
creates a weight forward, balance toward the tip feature, in both the
Hopolite Sword and the Kopis which creates the momentum needed for an
efficient hacking weapon. The Spartan Sword is the notable exception since
it is too short (and light) to be used for hacking. It was primarily a
thrusting weapon.

With the addition of several centuries of evolution we can look at the
weapons and tactics of the Roman Army. Method of battle had not generally
changed (two armies closing to close quarters) but some of the individual
characteristics had changed. One thing must be understood about the Romans,
They were the ultimate pragmatists. In terms of military technology,
strategies or tactics, if they saw something they liked or improved their
ability, they took it. They showed no cultural bias and it did not matter if
it was a sword style from Spain or a helmet style from Gaul. The Roman army
generally equipped the legionnaires with the following weaponry, the Pilum
(Roman Spear), the Gladius (Roman Sword) and a Pugio (Roman Knife).

The order of battle in a Roman formation clearly depended on who was the
attacker, the Romans, the enemy, or both. The technology of the Roman Spear
gives us insight into the practicality of the Roman War Machine. The Pilum
was a spear that was clearly designed for dual use, both as the Greeks had
used their spear (to form a bristling stabbing offense/defense from behind a
wall of shields) and as a throwing weapon. Physical evidence of Roman
battles and written accounts tell us of how the Romans would advance in the
Phalanx like formation of the Greeks and that they would lock shields and
plant their Pilum into the ground if they were faced with a head long
assault or Calvary charge. The long metal shaft of the Pilum served two
purposes and it was a perfect example of Roman Practicality. Because the
Pilums head was attached to a long, 2-3 foot metal shaft, it clearly shows
that the spear was used as a thrusting weapon from behind the shield. The
length of the metal shaft prevented the Spear (Pilum) from being hacked away
as it was thrust forward over the top of the shield. At the same time the
pilum had a small four sided triangular tip which allowed for deep
penetration when thrown and therefore could not be easily extracted, much
like an arrowhead. In addition, the long metal shaft behind the spear head
was soft, not hardened steel. This meant that when the pilum struck
something, say a shield, then the momentum or weight carried behind the
spear head would cause the shaft to bend. Weights were even added to the
Pilum shaft to further increase this bending property. This meant that a
pilum would strike a shield, penetrate and bend, thereby rendering the
shield useless and the pilum useless as a weapon that could have been thrown
back at the Roman lines.

Roman swords were used after the Pilum had served its purpose and the tide
of battle had switched to individual extreme close quarter tactics -
man-to-man. The Roman sword (Gladius) was found in several variations
throughout Roman history and in various regions of the Empire. Although
there were attempts to standardize the Roman sword it appears that all
variations, Mainz type, Fulham type, Pompeian type were at times all used
concurrently throughout the empire. Like the earlier Greek Sword designs,
the Roman Gladius appears to have also served the dual purpose as both a
thrust and cut weapon. The Roman Pugio (personal Dagger) design was clearly
a thrusting or stabbing weapon. Its long narrow point flairing into a
waisted style shape was clearly designed for that purpose. Some of the Roman
Swords had this same waisted shape, most prominent in the Mainz type Gladius
named from the Latin word for the Gladiolus leaf which the sword resembles.
The Pompeian type sword however features parallel edges finishing in an
abrupt symmetrically clipped point that would have been much more difficult
to thrust through armor than the Mainz type Sword. The Pompeian type sword
did become the more or less standard Roman Sword after the mid first century
A.D. and was used by a majority of the Empire's soldiers for several hundred

It appears that the Romans just like the Greeks used both the cut and the
thrust as a means of employing their edged weapons in battle. It is
interesting to note that the enemies of Rome developed many ingenious
methods of defeating Roman Armor and tactics. One of the most notable is the
fearsome Dacian Falx a long two handled sword with a long gracefully curved
blade with the cutting edge on the inside of the curve. This weapon was used
to come down and over the top of the Roman shield, striking the Roman
Soldier in the head. In addition there are a large number of German swords
having an almost rounded end with little or no point. These would clearly
seem to point to their use as a slashing weapon rather than a thrusting

Moving forward several hundred years to Medieval Europe brings us to another
period where the sword and its use, reached what is probably its zenith as
the primary weapon of combat between warring armies. The primary mode of
battle between 700 AD and 1000 AD was still fought by soldiers on foot.
Remaining examples of medieval swords from this time once again show
characteristics of both a thrusting and a slashing weapon. Some swords are
clearly thrusting weapons and some with more rounded tips are clearly
intended to be used primarily as a slashing, chopping weapon. The use of the
sword as a main battle weapon began to be supplanted as the technologies and
tactics of warfare began to change on an ever quickening pace. Upon the
adaptation of firearms as a fighting weapon employed en masse, the sword was
relegated to more of a symbolic sidearm than a primary weapon. This is not
to say that as a weapon, the sword was no longer effective or used in
battle. To the contrary, the sword has been used many times, in countless
battles, as a weapon of great effectiveness when other means had been

If we take a side step to look at the wonderful and effective swords and
scimitars of the Muslim cultures you will see that many of their swords and
daggers have a pronounced curve in the blade design. The curving blade
produces a tremendous improvement in the slashing efficiency of the sword.
In the arc produced by the swing of the arm during a strike, the cutting
edge is continually being introduced into the striking area as the sword
continues through the swing. Although this type of sword had the full
capability of a stabbing weapon, it was clearly favored as a slashing

Looking further East to Japan we have additional evidence of an edged weapon
that was fully capable of being used as both a thrusting and a stabbing
weapon. There is an innumerable wealth of evidence of specific slashing and
cleaving techniques to both the upper and lower body, as well as countless
stabbing techniques.

Having described the physical characteristics of these various weapons, we
can be reasonably sure of the way in which they were intended to be used.
However, knowing how they were intended to be used is not the same as
knowing how they were actually used. Medieval and classical warriors were
not scribes and poets. Most of what we know about the early forms of combat
is at best an educated guess and we really do not know for sure how men
fought with swords and knives in man-to-man life and death combat. Much of
what is surmised today is the result of trying to extrapolate actual warfare
combat from the highly ritualized and stylized dueling and fencing of the
late renaissance. There is a tremendous wealth of documentation and manuals
from that time that do a great deal to explain and preserve this fighting
style and all of its variations. As effective and deadly as this fencing
style of edged weapons combat was, and is, it does not reflect the brutal
combat style of warriors locked in battle, man against man where one false
move would be the last mistake you would ever make upon this earth.

HOWEVER, there is evidence that exists, and that now allows us without
question, to understand the tactics and the brutal realities of this
devastating yet highly sophisticated ancient method of combat. We now have
the forensic evidence of soldiers actually killed in battles from these
aforementioned historical periods.

Although scarce, there are revelations from several Roman battle fields as
well as battle sites for several classical period battles in greater Europe
and Scandinavian sites.

The evidence from the largest documented site is from a series of battles
between Danish Soldiers and the Swedish peasants in 1361 called the Battle
of Visby on Gotland off the coast of Sweden. Over 1200 bodies were buried in
pits after the battle. Forensic excavations were made and a detailed record
of the injuries received by the combatants was recorded. A majority of the
remains (over a thousand) showed major limb wounds. At least half of the
corpses reveal that they died as a result of receiving a killing blow to the
head. Overall, 70 percent of all 1200 of the combatants had evidence of
wounds to the lower leg and 12 percent showed wounds to the thighs. However,
the real telling evidence shows that 70 percent of those who died of head
wounds had received serious and disabling blows to one or both legs. Now
looking at just those who were killed by blows to the head it was discovered
that 75 percent of blows to the left leg were to the outside of the left
shin. 70 percent of the wounds to the right leg were blows to the inside of
the right shin bone. This evidence indicates a right handed strike from the
side - a slash - against a man standing with his left leg forward. Now,
although these wounds were serious enough in many cases to cause death -
some legs were cut completely through, the actual killing blow was delivered
to the head. Now since in the heat of battle there would be no need to
strike a fallen soldier in the legs after his head was cleaved or parts of
his cranium sliced off, it is logical to assume that the leg wounds were
received first and then upon going down from the wound, the killing blow was
then delivered. It appears that it was the tactic to disable the opponent
first which then allowed you to deliver a killing strike. This makes perfect
sense since a disabling blow to the legs would drop an opponent immediately
rendering him more or less defenseless due to the nature of such a
tremendous trauma. It is completely evident that it was more important to
incapacitate the opponent first rather than taking the added risk involved
in trying to go straight for a killing blow such as a stab or blow to the
head. Evidence of this is further supported by some historical writing and
from that, we know that a favorite target of the Viking warrior was the knee
or the shin. There are also numerous skeletal remains from various battle
sites in Europe where smaller numbers and sometimes individual remains
support these conclusions. 

(Please note that I give credit for this section on the Battle of Visby to
my friend John Clements as the source for my information on this battle
site.  John is the author of several outstanding historical reference books
on the realities of historically accurate armed combat.  You may find more
on this at:

Now having looked at the hard facts of forensic evidence can we re-examine
some of the conclusions I had mentioned earlier regarding the designs and
functions of some of the weapons discussed? For example, it would seem to me
that the dreaded Dacian Falx with its long handle and curved blade could
just as easily reach under a Roman shield to hook the legs of the
unfortunate legionnaire thereby accomplishing the same goal - disable then

The principles and tactics of shield and sword warfare remained almost
unchanged for almost 2000 years. There are only so many ways to attack or
defend from behind a shield with a sword, and these ancient warriors, knew
them all. Their lives depended upon it.

It is now clearly evident that a lot of killing, if not the majority, was
done with slashing and chopping blows rather than stabbing. This is not to
say that a slashing wound is more deadly than a stabbing wound, no one can
argue that. Once again forensic evidence clearly shows that a stabbing wound
is much more likely to cause death than a slashing attack. However, evidence
shows that getting any killing blow in against an armed or a fully defensive
opponent is difficult to accomplish as a singular event. Therefore it has
been shown historically that the killing blow needed a precursor in order to
be delivered effectively, and with the least risk to the attacker. It would
seem evident that the main battle tactic was to disable or incapacitate the
opponent first, then kill him.

It is very easy to say for instance, that penetrating stab wounds are most
likely to cause death (which is true) however, it is not correct to further
the statement by saying; therefore that is the type of strike and the tactic
that was used exclusively in edged weapon combat. It is never the case where
you can safely say that, "This is the way it was", or, "it always happened
like this". We all know absolutes are never absolute. The closest thing to
an absolute that I can draw from my study of historical individual combat
with edged weapons is that every time one man lived, another man had to die.

The Emerson Combat System is built largely upon these same principles of
man-to-man combat and they have been true for thousands of years. The times
may have changed but we have not and neither have the principles. The
weapons of hand-to-hand, extreme close quarters combat, are still roughly
the same. A club, a stick, a knife are the same now as they were then. A
fight is a fight and your goal is to live to fight another day. This is the
only absolute that I teach my students, and it's the only one that matters.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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