The Public Sector has become an army of occupation

Socialism's Army of Occupation

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 - Daniel Greenfield  Thursday, June 2, 2011 

imageThe most pervasive myth of the welfare state is the altruism of the
public sector. In this mythology, the private sector is run by a bunch of
greedy businessmen who get rich by making money off people's misery. While
the public sector is run by altruists who want nothing except to help those
left behind by the private sector. Capitalists meet the Anti-Capitalists. 

But actually it's the public sector that does a much better job of making
money off people's misery. Some parts of the private sector do deliberately
seek out ways to feed off poverty and keep their victims poor, most notably
in the lending and financial services industry, but for the most part the
private sector makes money off willing customers. 


How do you sell products and services to people who can't afford them?
Unless you trap them into a cycle of obligation, you can't. And such cycles
are finite. Eventually the people you're feeding off have nothing more to
give you. That's not an ideal business model for corporations who generally
look for ways to build life-long relationships. To make money selling
products and services, you need repeat customers who can afford what you're

For the private sector to succeed, it needs a prosperous customer base. The
public sector doesn't. It just needs a collective 'Them' to pay the bills.
The public sector makes its money from failure. Human suffering creates more
demand for its services. The more people are out of work, can't pay their
bills and need help-the more the public sector grows.

The PayDay loan industry and Fannie Mae both preyed on minorities and the
poor. But the latter's business model was completely unsustainable and its
greed was completely irresponsible. Yet all this was concealed under the
veneer of altruism.

The public sector altruism myth is just that, a myth

The public sector altruism myth is just that, a myth. It's a destructive
myth because of the basic conflict between its inner and outer goals.

The outer goal of a car company might be to sell more cars. Its inner goal
is to sell enough cars that it can hire more workers and its executives can
go to the Bahamas next month. There's no major conflict between these two
goals. Not unless everyone there decides to make bad cars and misrepresent
them, and then use the money to expand the assembly line and go to the
Bahamas anyway. There are businesses that work that way, but they don't have
much of a future. Sell people bad cars and you'll lose customers. And then
the only way you can stay in business is if the public sector begins
subsidizing your company. A bad company is either a rolling scam that
depends on luring in gullible new customers or a public sector charity case.

The outer goal of a welfare program might be to help its clients. But its
inner goal is to get more funding so as to add jobs and so whoever is at the
top can go to the Bahamas next month for a conference on global poverty. If
a client stops needing its services, then the program loses funding. The
welfare state needs more 'clients' signing up for more services so that they
can get more funding. The best clients are the neediest. A client who is
upwardly mobile is a bad risk, because losing their name on the rolls means
a net loss for the program which endangers its funding. People in a state of
failure make the best clients. Welfare programs maintain outer goals of
helping their clients be more independent, these conflict with their inner
goals, which is to maintain their client lists. 

The myth of public sector altruism rarely takes stock of the conflict
between inner and outer goals. Even when teachers' and nurses' unions hold
angry protests over benefits during an economic depression, this conflict
rarely gets addressed. The myth that they are public servants who want
nothing more than what's best for their charges lives on. But like everyone
else they are human beings. Their interests are their own. Some are
idealistic enough to make sacrifices or to want what is best for the people
under their care, even when it's to their own detriment. But this is not the
case for the majority in any field. Moments of heroism aside.

The public sector's inner goal is to bring in more funding and create more
jobs. Not out of any altruistic impulse, but because it expands the power
and wealth of its own administrators and bosses, whether in an agency or a
union. A bigger agency has more sway in funding battles. Its incestuous
relationships with unions and clients means that it is better positioned to
demand more money and hold off any cuts. The agencies and unions boast their
own private armies which bring in money. The money is given by politicians
in exchange for support and used as currency to expand the ranks of that
army. The army is there to support the politicians during elections. And to
combat any attempts to cut the money coming into its coffers. 

The Public Sector has become an army of occupation

The Public Sector has become an army of occupation. The battles in
Wisconsin, the crisis in California and the ObamaCare clashes with SEIU
goons are a wake up call to what that army really is. It's not armed, but it
doesn't need to be. It's the vanguard of an alternative economy that depends
on extracting as much public money as possible. And that alternative economy
is in a basic conflict with the people paying for it. When the economy is
good, the army can skim off the cream without anyone noticing. But in a bad
economy, a conflict explodes over limited resources.

The occupation means that huge amounts of money are being funneled into a
public sector to provide services. But these services are not the goal of
that sector.

The Postal Service doesn't exist to deliver mail. 80 percent of its budget
m>  goes to the salaries and benefits of its 500,000+ union members. It is a
union employment plan subsidized by the public through a stream of pension
and benefits bailouts. Its business model is based on delivering junk mail.
Not on providing useful public services. The Postal Service does not exist
so you can buy stamps and mail letters. It exists so some of the country's
largest unions can retire at 55. 

Public schools don't exist to teach kids, they exist to create jobs for
teacher's unions, positions for administrators, contractors for school
construction programs, and a thousand ways to get federal, state and local
funding. That's why we spend more money on education
38214220070524>  than most of the world
<> , with less
to show for it. The spending is not pupil driven. The children are mostly
irrelevant except as mannequins for new educational gimmicks.

Keeping students below average turns them into a 'profit center' for new
solutions. If we actually had a successful education system, a huge chunk of
the consultants and other feeder fish would be out of business. The
educational bureaucracy does not profit from teaching kids. It profits from
kids who are not learning. Who need special education, more programs and a
crisis mode of new approaches. "Are our kids learning?" No?" "That's because
we aren't spending enough money." "Why do we pay our schoolteachers less
than NBA players?" "Why does the military get more money than the
educational bureaucracy?"

It's all the same down the line. Hospitals don't add nurses to treat
patients. They add nurses because union regulations require them to.
Mortgages are approved that can't be paid off, because that way the agency
can boast how many new minority home buyers it has created. And when
foreclosure comes, then another agency takes over providing for them. Job
training is given for jobs that don't exist. Then job creation programs for
those jobs are funded-and still the jobs don't exist. And then the cycle
begins all over again. Nothing in this cynical trillion dollar farce has
anything to do with helping people. If any people get helped, it's an
unintentional side effect of a system that exists to feed on human misery..

The public sector thrives on anxiety. It feeds on failure

The public sector thrives on anxiety. It feeds on failure. The public sector
is in freefall, but the private sector is adding jobs like crazy.

The crazy quilt marriage of political machines, radical unions and liberal
sociologists has created an unstoppable monster intent on devouring
everything. Some inside the beast understand that this is the goal. They
want private enterprise to vanish and the state to be the provider of all
services. Most however don't realize this. They have just been taught to
protect their privileges.

The public sector is ruthlessly competitive in its own way. Not on merit,
but on position. Maintaining your position in the system is crucial. Doing
your job well is absolutely meaningless. In some cases it's even dangerous.
Staying in line is what counts. Having the right background and the right
opinions. Inertia through seniority is the biggest signifier of success. And
inter-departmental and inter-agency rivalries are routine. It's a Darwinian
economic ecosystem and everyone is trying to grab funding for your programs.
Exploiting a crisis, knowing the right political buzzwords and being able to
summon a mob of clients or union members to agitate for your program are the
keys to success.

Such a system does not encourage the long view. Nothing exists except your
program, your crisis and your department. The ability to recite "Without
funding for ____________ we all are doomed" on cue is the only thing that
matters. Your real assets are your benefits. To protect them, you have to
protect your programs. And lash out at anything that threatens funding for
them, whether it's charter schools or the taxpayers running out of money.
Reform is dangerous. Protect the status quo at all costs. Violent tunnel
vision is the only kind the system breeds. The few visionaries are left wing
radicals who think that everything would work if only they had complete
control of the economy. And to make that happen, they have to destroy the
conventional economy first.

Here's where we are now. Trapped funding the ever-expanding fiefdoms of the
public sector, its office warrens, its ghettos and housing projects, its
consultations and studies and research projects, its tidal flood of gimmicks
and appropriations.

All the money being spent vanishes into the recesses of those fiefdoms. It
doesn't remotely provide value per dollar spent, because most of that dollar
doesn't go to providing services. It goes to the vast infrastructure of
employees, office buildings, consultants and overseers of the entire mess.
The services are a side project of a vast bureaucracy which is concerned
with its own power and prestige.

The welfare state can't solve any of the problems that those liberal
sociologists thought it could. But the political machines who authorized the
spending never wanted the problems solved. It wanted them perpetuated. It
wanted plantation voters with no hopes or dreams beyond the next state
lottery ticket, who would vote for them to protect their benefits. And
that's what they got. The unions can't see beyond their next paycheck. And
don't want to. The money has to keep coming because it's theirs. The details
don't matter. They often despise the members of the public they interact
with. And why shouldn't they. Most of the people they interact with don't
want to be where they are. It's a mutually hostile relationship. And that
mutually hostile relationship is the paradigm for the larger one they have
with the taxpayer.

As the economy declines and the public sector grows, an inevitable showdown
is coming

As the economy declines and the public sector grows, an inevitable showdown
is coming. A public sector that grows faster than the private sector is
unsustainable. But that just means the public sector will start tossing
their clients overboard faster. Classroom sizes will double along with
education spending. Welfare rolls will be cut, and more workers will be
hired to oversee them. Doctors will get paid less and patients will wait
longer to see doctors, but there will be more nurses hired on. Death panels
will come disguised in patient friendly language. There will be less of
everything, but more public sector employees for all of it.

These measures will make the system seem more sustainable. But all they will
really do is maintain the position of socialism's occupying army. And as the
public sector begins cannibalizing the people it claims to be serving, we
will have a choice between continuing down the same disastrous road as
Europe or taking a stand to reclaim the economy from the public sector. 


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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