Good morning to you all!

Well, I DID IT!!!! My first OST, and with a very small group of 5 people.

Thank you so much for sharing your experience with me a couple of weeks ago. I went there last night with confidence in your advice, my heart, the group and the process. And it worked wonders!

There were only 5 participants. Three people chose not to come, one of which was a surprise for the sponsor. So I started off by saying that the people who were there were the ones who were truly passionate about the theme, and they were the ones we needed.

I did the usual opening in about 10-12 minutes, skipping most of the reassuring parts. They posted 11 subjects, combined three, so there were 8 discussions in 3 rounds of 45 minutes each.

I followed your suggestions and expressed clearly the two choices they had: discuss everything as a group, which was very tempting of course, or follow the method. Then I suggested they give it a try at least for the first round of discussion, and one participant supported this suggestion. I added that they might find that discussing as a group would make it very difficult if not impossible to go through the 8 subjects in 2 hours and maybe using the Law and playing bumble bees would allow them to discuss everything and go deeper. Much like what happened to Diane, they gave it a try and never looked back. Of course, it's less natural with a small group, but it works really well anyway.

The next step will be action planning. They were all surprised at what they had accomplished, felt revigorated and inspired and now have a clearer picture of their situation and what they might want to do next.

As for me, it was a thrill. I felt OST was perfectly in sync with my self, and was both excited and scared of doing my first event with such a small group. I re-read Harrison's book during the weekend, read all of the advice received from you yesterday morning, meditated a bit before going there, centered my self and stayed focused to be fully present and invisible (this week's discussion about presence was inspiring) and let go of any expectations and fear to simply go with the flow of the moment.

I still feel the energy from the event this morning, and I know in my heart I found a path on which I'll travel for a while and bring people to discover. Thank you all for your support!


At 17:40 2006-09-19, you wrote:
Hello Esther,

I have had a couple with less than ten people. There's a few thoughts I have about OS and a small group:

- it seems to be even more important than with a large group to have a central question which is very powerful. After all, if you have 300 participants and some really want to do something else, that's one thing. If you have a few people, it could feel different (meaning I am not sure whether it would really be different, because I haven't experienced that yet).

- I have also with the smaller groups done a full opening but with smaller groups sometimes comes a smaller room. If the circle is very small, space can get cramped. So I suggest to make
  sure you have space enough

- I have worked with teams in an organisation which had held 10-15 open space events. Each team member in the leadership team had actually been trained in OST. Several times OST was used in creating the agenda and process for a team meeting, but without the whole opening. Worked well.

Greetings from (today) Holland,

Gerard Muller
Open Space Institute Denmark
Phone: (+45) 21269621                   Skype: openspace1

On Sep 19, 2006, at 2:29 PM, Communications Esther Matte wrote:

Hello everyone!

First, let me say thank you for the wonderful learning I found in the OSList. I’m new to Open Space, and even though I have yet to make my “first big circle” as Ted put it recently, I feel more confident thanks to you all.

I may have two possible projects with very small groups (5-7 people) ­ which is what worries me. I have participated to one OST in my experiential training with Diane Gibeault (fantastic!), and co-facilitated one with 45 people. But I simply cannot visualize how it works with as few as 5 people. How do you do this? Do you have several rounds of discussions? In separate rooms? Do people actually work by themselves and team up? Can you do it in approximately 3 hours ? (Maybe 20-30 minutes opening, 2 X 40-minutes rounds of discussion or 3 X 30-minutes, action planning and closing).

I'm sure some of you have done this. I'll be meeting with the first possible group next week, and nothing is set in stone yet for the other. Any comments, suggestions, ideas or warnings will be very much appreciated.

Thank you very much in advance for your time!

Esther Matte
Communications Esther Matte
1011, Marie-Victorin
Verchères (Québec) J0L 2R0

"L'art de dire"

Tél. : (450) 583-5849
Téléc. : (450) 583-3513

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