Reflecting on the OSI training comments I have read so far, some principles
of living organisms come to my mind and developmental stages of such living
organisms (or organizations). The following comments are crisp and may be not
easy to understand but my intention is to just propose a framework and in
further dialogue, we can together clarify, apply, and evolve what works and
reject what doesn't. These thoughts came to me strongly and hence I am
sharing them and look forward to your comments.

Stage 1: Development of the body. Development of senses and basic
coordination of limbs and making meaning and feeling as one. ---Interpreting
it in organization terms, creating the organizational structure (minimum
structure necessary just to survive and feel as one), vision and clarity of
purpose and intention. Why? Intention is what the organism can manifest as
its own taking responsibility for the self. Vision gives us the direction to
move and purpose tells us why. At this stage, all these only gather us
together and move us as one and provide minimum structure to know whether we
are on the path or not. Nothing more can be expected from the structure. If
we want to elaborate the metaphor of organism---It is like skeletal structure
for the body.
How do you know whether the structure is too little or too much? If the
organization is not able to function and is stuck in the initial stages, then
the clarity of intention and structure are insufficient. If the organization
is getting bogged down in conflict though the potential exists and the
direction is clear, then the structure is too much and is limiting the growth
of organism.
Anne Stadler and I like to call this stage as the stage of emergence.

Stage 2: In this stage, the living organism like human beings develop inner
senses like mind and heart. It is about emotional growth that becomes
important. Care, love and nurturing are the ways to grow the organism.
Translation: Organizational culture evolves based on the principles and
values that we practice and preach to each other. Those have to be cultivated
through appreciation and acknowledgment rather than through negative
feedback. Why? Negative feedback clarifies boundaries of what should not be
done but never gives clarity on what is encouraged and what is the path. By
supporting and appreciating what we like in what others do, we clarify the
path in which we choose to walk. Culture develops in the direction that we
walk ourselves.
So second stage is the time for value clarification, policies and procedures
and culture building for organizations.
This stage we refer to as the stage of convergence.

Stage 3: Once a child is about 4-5 years, the intellect begins to distinguish
between symbols and can actually handle logic, symbolic representation and is
ready to handle interpretation, ready to think for oneself.
Similarly, organizations have to develop distinctions and their own unique
strenghts and competencies. It is done by further clarification, acceptance
of (and stretching beyond) the original intention at individual level. That
means, each of us in OSI or list, should explore where we individually stop
and go beyond the boundaries to take Open space to new levels and new
breakthroughs. This is where we can use the power of the individual to grow
the collective.
This stage we call it the stage of divergence.

Stage 4:  In this stage, the living organism reexamines ones purpose, vision
and takes stock of its current stage. In other words, it is about spirit and
allowing oneself to let go of the ego and attachment to who or what it has
been. That allows for re-emergence of the core.

In this stage, as an organization, we reexamine the purpose, the vision and
intentions. Many times, we have to clarify and set new purpose for our next
stage and share what have gained with others. It may be appropriate for
letting go of where we are and give it away for others to maintain and evolve
the knowledge and we go to newer and higher purpose and vision.
This stage completes the cycle and we go back to step one. and the cycle

Concluding, my sense is that this is the time for further clarification and
move to second stage.

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