Thanks for your comments and questions Birgitt and Larry.  I am going
to try to address these very briefly as I remember them, okay?

   Larry, I concurr with your distinction between a "Learning Circle
on OS Training" (which gathers for reflection, conversation, sharing
learnings) and DOING OS training.  And I concurr that when we say we
want to "DO", then we undertake the doing as individuals.
   So, the group that might now meet here on OS training, would meet
as interested individuals who are looking at offering a particular
approach to OS training.  Is that the implication of your remarks??
   Would this be what you might say? "The OSI provides a networked
environment for us to "reflect, converse, share learnings" in a
Learning Circle which someone calls-- and if we decide to DO, then we
act as individuals."  If so, I agree with that.
   I think where I was confused (and probably "caused" confusion) is
that I called a "Learning Circle" which reflected, conversed and
shared learnings and then at that same gathering, we said: "We want
make sure there is an OS training in the NW of the US.  And we want to
take what we've learned and evolve one. Let's look at what, and how?"
   While we had an implicit understanding (I believe) that we weren't
"prescribing THE OS training" nor were we doing THE "OSI" training--
we hadn't really clarified these two points explicitly for
ourselves--- hence the discussion at the following gathering re. OSI:
"authorising", etc
    Also, your questions and comments prompted me to move beyond the
question I was addressing and to look at the specific "definition" of
what is a Learning Circle-- and also how does OSI provide a "forum"
for networking in order to ACT.
   Thank you.  What do you think of the conclusions I've reached
   Re. Birgitt's points:  I agree with Birgitt's emphasis on
clarifying who has power and has taken responsibility for the WHOLE.
And HOW you do that, and what that means, etc.  And you've made a
REALLY important point that we haven't done that as yet.
   There is an OSI Board.  Perhaps NOW is the right time for it to
initiate such a discussion?
   The OSI of US Founding group has been supporting several particular
outcomes: getting the website working; setting up the fundamental
elements of a communication network; inviting people to help create
what the OSI is and will do; and getting the story out to the OS
community that the OSIs are existing and can be the learning
communities we make them.
   We're almost "there" in terms of having most of these tangible
things actually completed (for now), I think.  Sounds as if it's time
for more attention to the questions you're raising.
    Anyhow, THANKS for your focusing questions and timely comments.  I
hope we can use them to grow the OSI learning community we all want to
live in!!!

   I'll be in Paris for the next three months (till July 1st).  I'll
still be accessible by e-mail, and I'll try to keep abreast of
whatever discussions are happening in our on-line environment.

Lots of love!

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