Thanks for all the info. you have made sure got communicated to all. I am
excited about some of what has been concluded and dubious about some of the
rest (and I may be dubious only because of how the ideas are coming across
in written form without benefit of having heard the discussions).

I am excited about:
-the organic connection between Open Space and GMP being explored with
hopes that if this school "gets it" on that level, it will be incredible
role modelling for others.
-mentoring which includes concepts of buddying and role modelling and such
-ongoing learning
-ongoing learning community

I am needing lots more clarity on that which I am dubious about
-positioning re: HHO and the training he has done. In written form, it
feels to me that rather than building on the strengths of what really
worked from that training and learnings, that you desire to create
something new and different --and then HHO is free to still do his thing as
a "poor second cousin" if he must (I suspect this isn't the intention, but
it does come across that way)
-the addressing of  "unlevel playing field" in your model. Some will have
lots of information, experience, etc. Others won't. There needs to be a way
of addressing this, addressing the power issues. It is my experience that
if one sails merrily into thinking those issues aren't there because we
have created a model that says they shouldn't be, the shock is always
nasty. It is usually those who have the power who think this won't/can't
possibly be an issue.
-confusion with your learning circle and OSI (again clearly noting here
that only one OSI is involved and I thought we were going to do our best to
grow organically together). The write up seems to indicate that OSI is made
up of practitioners and that only after one "graduates" will one be offered
membership. Oh dear!

I'd appreciate the clarifications.

Some suggestions:
I think that previous thoughts about Learning Expedition rather than
Learning Circle would be more truthful in all aspects to do with a phase
one that acknowledged place for those who have more
knowledge/skills/experience and those who are just coming in. This also
would have built from the original vision and visionary.

Phase 2, when there is what I consider a "more level playing field" would
be a great place for the learning circle to begin probably much as you've
envisioned it. And we could be creative and include this on a more global
level (which it isn't feeling like right now).

You mentioned something somewhere about self organizing systems. I think it
would be great to really reinforce that this is all about being a self
organizing system, and to ensure that it is studied as it unfolds so that
we can all learn more from it.

When it is being recorded, part of the learning for me is that at this time
of writing, I feel disenfranchised from what is unfolding. Which causes me
to feel apart. Which doesn't feel good. And aside from writing my thoughts
about this, I don't know what else to do about it. Is this a learning for
me, or for us? My problem, or something in the whole that isn't working as
it should?

Love to you. I look forward to the discussion.


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