A way to bring people onto the journey that leads to Open Space is good.
>From one day to four. Setting the context, raising consciousness. Larry and
I are doing a four day event to this effect next month. For some folks, who
were unsure about whether they wanted to really train as an open space
facilitator, they were interested in this experience to see if they were
interested in investing in the more in-depth training.

The in-depth training session with Harrison of at least five days to let it
all work well.

And then, I certainly have a "bee in my bonnet" about an advanced course of
some sort being put together, likely another week for those who have taken
the basic training, hosted in a few different locations throughout the 
bringing other learnings, theories, practices in to give folks who are 
open space, and want more learning, the chance to look at it from yet more
perspectives. For me, I know that I am more capable as an Open Space
facilitator because I have done deep work with others as well including
Angeles Arrien(cross cultural shamanic practices), Marge Denis(process
facilitation), and Midge Miles (storytelling), Larry Peterson
(organizational transformation), Anne Stadler and Harrison Owen (expanding
our now). It all helped. It all helped me understand open space better and
have a real appreciation for it. So...it is my thought that we have
something that we ourselves are putting together, certainly with Harrison 
he is so willing because I believe he has much more to teach us and in some
ways we are not even scratching the surface of what he knows and
believes.Actually, I think we're not even yet scratching the surface of 
we collectively know and believe and could bring to the table as an
absolutely incredible learning experience.

And all of the above could be marketed as a package, together. Inclusive of
who is doing what to bring people on the journey in whatever community they
are hosting a session. Or something that puts this incredible work out 
in an intentional way to generate interest and invite those who want to 
(even those who don't yet know it because they don't know open space 



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