To the OS Listserv participants,
                        INVITATION, WITH STORY

We'd like your help to make the Open Space Institute web site a better place
for the international OST community.

The OSI web site ( first appeared following the
Open Space on Open Space IV in 1996.  It was created using feedback from
that gathering and from a variety of e-mail conversations that followed.
The site's purpose was defined through the conversations at OsonOS IV as
providing space for:
   Mutual Support and Connection;
   Mentoring and Being Mentored; and
   Learning and Research.

Because there was much sentiment that the site had an American perspective,
Barry Owen, with much support from people in OSI Canada grew a new site at:

Over the past year, we on the OSI-US board have come to realize how critical
the web site is for providing a "home" for the OST community.  At the
October OSI-US board meeting, Barry Owen joined us for a conversation on
making the site a better place for both newcomers and long-time
practitioners.  We also expressed our desire that the site become more
international in scope.  So, we came up with the idea of posting this
invitation to the OS listserve and asking your thoughts on the site.  Our
proposal is to take what you tell us to OsonOS VI in Monterey, CA and make
some decisions with our colleagues from OSIs around the world about where to
invest money in strengthening the web site's usefulness.

To offer a starting point, the OSI-US board's thoughts on making the web
site(s) a better place are to:

**simplify the entry and use of our OSI web sites (make it easy for
newcomers to find out basics about training and events);

**create and operate Open Space "chat rooms" (virtual, perpetual, Open Space

**enhance the site(s) content searching capabilities (e.g., "what stories do
we have on OS in education?"); and

** enhance the web site(s) people searching capabilities (e.g., "who is in
the Chicago area?" "who has experience with OS and healthcare?"...)


A) please post to the OS listserv any OSI Web site(s) issues, ideas or
suggestions or send them to me at <>. [I will record
these, tabulate the results, and make them available for examination at
OSonOS VI]; and
B) come to the OSI web sites breakout meeting at OSonOS VI and help us put
your ideas into action.

Leon R. De King

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