Hi Romy,

I'm so glad that you can use the room :o)  I will call the hotel and confirm
the change in the reservation.  Hopefully that will help.  I will let you
know how it all works in a personal email response, so I don't use up any
more space on the OSLIST listserve.

Thanks again.  Sorry I can't be there too.  Have a great time in Monterey!


-----Original Message-----
From: Romy Shovelton <ro...@compuserve.com>
To: osl...@listserv.idbsu.edu <osl...@listserv.idbsu.edu>
Date: Friday, November 13, 1998 2:27 AM
Subject: A room in Monterey (?)

>the unbelievably useless Monterey Beach hotel - despite no less than FIVE
>international phone calls (at my expense) + two faxes of confirmation and
>requesting confirmation from them (with no response), today claim to have
>no reservation for me.
>I have asked them to use up your day's reservation to make my first day's
>reservation - though I had reserved a garden side at $89 (rather than your
>ocean side)
>"I can't do that" says the duty manager.
>he also has NO RECORD of any Open Space meeting/event.
>so I requested he speak to someone that CAN make the changes.
>no idea whether/how this is going to get sorted out.  Keeping fingers
>crossed and waiting for news
>most of all - sorry you won't be there.
>all the best

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