At 07:29 AM 12/18/1998 EST, you wrote:
>Thank you for responses on conflict resolution.  I learn a lot from them.
>You're correct, OS is more than a planning process.  I have also seen OS
>resolve differences, primarily because it helps with the issues of
>relationships and communication.  My suggestion is that OS can be enhanced
>when participants have a basic understanding when they better understand
>"interests" rather than their "positions."  Remember that I am coming from a
>context of unions and management.
>Just another note; there is a whole world of ALMC's (Area Labor Management
>Committees) out there that I think needs to be about OS.  I hope that I can
>introduce others to using OS as we have in Illinois.  Even though we are just
>beginning, we are seeing great value in OS.  I appreciate the insight you all
>have helped me to achieve.
>Thanks, David Koehler

Great idea! and if you want some help, there is a great guy from CWA
(Communications Workers of America) by the name of Bill Mahoney who used to
be at USWEST. I think he is now working for/with LEVIS, but i still have a
phone number which may do the trick. 602-786-3212. We worked closely while
he was at USWEST, and I saw something of him later -- but no word for a
while. Peggy Holman, who was also at USWEST may have a better or more
recent number or email. h.

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