Peggy:  I like option #2 and I would suggest that you make it available in
either format - CD and cassette.  Karen

At 05:50 PM 8/3/99 -0700, you wrote:
>When Harrison came to Seattle to do the Open Space Facilitation Workshop, we
>audio taped the sessions.  The Open Space Institute (US) will make the
>material available for sale.  I'm about to go to production and want your
>help in a little "market research."  What would appeal most to you?
>2.  A 5 CD set for about $60-70 with Harrison talking about:
>    a.  "The Role of the Facilitator" and actually opening the space for a
>group (as above)
>    b.  Opening Space for Chaos and Creativity
>    c.  The Journey of Spirit: The Adaptive Process (includes discussion of
>the grief work cycle)
>   d.  Opening Space for the Forms of Spirit (includes discussion of the
>stages of organization transformation)
>   e.  Opening Space for Cultivating Spirit (includes discussio of the role
>of stories and myths)

>One other question: would you prefer CDs or cassette tapes?
>Please send your opinions to .  I will summarize for the list
>what I hear.
>Peg Holman

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