
thanks for putting this 'record of Harrison at Seattle' option together..

perhaps it would be helpful to have both a CD and cassette option:  CD
being generally better quality - and great if you are to play the talks
through at one go...., and cassettes being better if you wish to have the
option to stop the tape and discuss certain points along the way....

coming to think of it... if people purchased the CDs, perhaps they could
then make their own cassette copy for their own use...?

one additional thought......  (which you have no doubt already been
through..)...... it would be a pity if the CDs became a replacement for the
face to face trainings....    Perhaps we could suggest that they are
available as a reminder/ back up, after a full training - in other words to
folks who have already been in training or who put together trainings.
Excuse me if this is an old thought.

trusting that you are well and happy


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