Welcome Kathleen

You ask some very difficult questions but ones which we are all faced with.
It was suggested to me that the way to eat an elephant, is one mouth full
at a time.  Where do you start?  Start where you are.  Start where your
know the community and start with what you fell you can manage  with just a
little more effort.

Forget the presentations and focus on participation.  The way to show how
Open Space works is to do it.   The things you do with a service club like
Rotary might be quite small but make it happen as Open Space.  Build from
your success by having the participants stories to share.   Read and read
Harrison's "Open Space" Technology and Birgitt's material (especially about
contracting with the organisations and closing) and when you think you have
it all read the material again.  The special bits are in the fine detail
which I found I learnt by doing it, "Open Space".  Yes, most of my attempts
have not been as good as I would have liked and I always forget to do
something but when I go back to the references the core message becomes
clearer.  Your passion and drive will see you through.  Remember that the
growth of the spirit is based on faith and trust in yourself,  the process
and the participants.  The famous lines from South Pacific say "Fools give
you reasons, wise men never try."  Flying requires a leap of faith (either
in an aircraft or in the circus tent)  the key element is to let go and
trust the people and equipment, enjoy the flight and be prepared to be

The school system has its problems around the globe.  The rewards are great
if education can be more effective and less administration.

Please share your journey with us.

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