At 10:39 AM 2/10/00 -0600, you wrote:

>When we mention open space or even just describe the event, we're
>finding a lot of resistence.  People want to know the plan, the agenda,
>what's going to happen.  They want an explanation.
First off, don't try and explain it to 'em -- they will never believe you. But
you can make certain, very specific promises:

1) Every single issue that anybody cares about enough to raise will be on the
2) All issues will receive as much discussion as people care to give them.
3) All discussion will be captured in a book, and made available to the
4) All issues will be prioitized.
5) Related issues converged.
6) Responsibility assumed for next step actions.

Note: if you do less than 2 and 1/2 days the last three promises are a little
hard to keep. But not impossible.

I find that most people don't care about the process (no matter what the
process is) -- they care about getting something done. You can promise them
some action. How much will depend entirely upon their taking personal
responsibility for taking the next steps.

As for additional support -- I am sure you will find all sorts of folks online
here. Beyond that -- read the book. Practice a few times, and go for it.

Harrison Owen
7808 River Falls Drive
Potomac, MD 20854
phone 301-469-9269
fax 301-983-9314
Open Space Institute websites

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