
> Nancie,
> Once upon a time I sold the concept of hiring Harrison Owen to facilitate the
> annual conference of my own professional association in OS.   The Board of
> Directors (made up of Investment Bankers, Lawyers, CPA's, & Management
> Consultants)  who made the decision found it helpful to be able to talk to
> someone who had experienced OS with a similar group. I think it would also
> help to share the guarantees that Harrison mentions in his recent email to
> this list.
> Regarding preparation to do it yourself.  The first time I lead an OS myself
> it was on rather short notice.  I hired someone who was quite experienced to
> consult with me as I prepared for it.  I find that leading OS is a process
> with a great deal of subtlety.  Harrison makes it looks effortless, but
> masters always make things look effortless.  Fro instance, I found that there
> is much to learn about "Creating and Holding the Space". Many levels to it.
> There is a great deal of tacit knowledge involved in facilitating OS that you
> cannot obtain by reading.  It only comes through experience.  Much of it is
> about managing onself.   My belief is that your chances of success will be
> enhanced if you hire a mentor if you can't get to a training.  It is a very
> good long term investment.
> Joe
> J Joseph Paul Consulting, LLC
> 10490 SW Eastridge, Suite 120
> Portland, OR 97225
> 503-297-0750
> e-fax 503-210-0310

Nancie-- I totally agree with Joe's advice. I, too, used a "shadow" consultant
to help me with the subtleties my first time facilitating an open space event.
And I was very glad I did. It helped me "sit" on my urges to insert any control
on the process and just hold the space.

I wish you great success as you learn and grow with this and future open space

In harmony --BJ

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