I have had that leadership and whole group challend to close the space in a
variety of ways.  That part of holding the space is the most difficult and
the most important.  I ask in the evening news both one word on how folks or
doing, to surface the negative if it is there, and ask what is missing. I
then encourage people to take responsibility for what is missing and put it
up as topics the next day. I have had all kinds of things emerge the next
moring to give new focus to the discusison. The great thing, like the De
Bono story, is that those who have a passion to work on it can join that
group and make more progress than if the whole group was forced to go
through the exercise.

I recently led an Open Space with 100 youth where about 30 had real
difficulty with the freedom and responsibility piece. They complained in
evening news, but some of their colleagues agreed that it was their job to
put some topics up that interested them.  By morning, 5-6 new topics had
gone up and the closing (after only .5 day) was enthusiastic. That "martial
art" of turning the critique and frustration into positive leadership energy
is critical.

As for "talking stick"---I never use the term after bieng critiqued by
native elders, as for them it is sacred.  Instead, I use the term "talking
piece" (Calling the Circle) and acknowledge the roots of the tradition. I
find native elders to be much happier.  In an Open Space I usually look for
a symolic object in the environment that fits the energy of the group --
rock, tree, flower, all kinds of things can play that role and they usually
"appear" at the right time.


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