Dear Friends

Reponding to a discussion a while back about note taking. I use a variety
of note taking methods - many of which have been discussed. One that I did
two weeks ago worked well. The particpants wrote handwritten notes. I faxed
them to a secretarial service who typed them up and got them back to me
within 1-2 hours by fax (it would be better by email so that you can make
any updates for words they could'nt read etc). We then photocopied the
typed notes at the hotel for all the particapnts to take away. I had to tee
this up before hand with the secretarial people so that they were ready,
but it was great and the partciapnts were very please at seeing the notes
turned around so quickly. This was a smallish group (25) and only a day and
a half. The cost was remarkably affordable. For large groups and longer
time the energy of people sitting together and tapping away at the
computers is magically if when you see it happen.

Warm wishes


Andrew Donovan
Business Facilitator
tel +61 3 9416 3021
fax +61 3 9416 2935
PO Box 1705
Collingwood  VIC  3066

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