i red it as if being together with you.
gave me a good feeling, good vibration.
its only certainty, which makes real things happen,
isnĀ“t it.

Ralph Copleman schrieb:

> Hi,
> Funny things happen on the road to certainty.
> Over this past weekend, I was in some open space.  I've been opening the
> damn stuff a lot lately, but being IN it, now that's a rarer treat for me.
> It was a one-and-a-half day gig, and the facilitator, to my great delight,
> was Birgitt Williams.  And the brief tale I want to tell goes like this...
> Birgitt was doing her thing at the start, opening the space, and she came to
> the part about the Law of ? what?  I expected her to say "Law of Mobility",
> but she said "Law of Two Feet", turning as she said it, to give me this big,
> semi-conspiratorial smile.  I winked back in acknowledgement.  There was no
> one in the room of about 80 or so who was using a wheelchair, no one to be
> offended by the absence of reference to the "otherwise abled" etc..  Birgitt
> went on to explain how the Law works, etc. and as she then turned her
> attention to the next aspect of things, the woman next to me, a stranger,
> whispered to me, "I guess it's too bad for amputees."  She was making a tiny
> joke at the expense of open space, no harm done.  But I was surprised that
> someone had chosen to comment on the issue.
> I guess people notice what you say.
> Best bit in the opening was Birgitt's explanation of the obverse side of
> "When it's over, it's over."  She said that if your formal time period is
> coming to an end, and you find you're only about five minutes away from
> producing world peace, please DON'T STOP.
> (I suppose we all handle these opening chores a little differently, and I
> find lately I digress from my "script" more and more and treat the time as a
> bit of open-space-within-structure.  I say different things; I move
> differently...  I have this notion that the whole opening can be done solely
> and completely with gestures.  Thought I might try that sometime, although I
> don't know why.  Sure would be a switch for a guy who loves the sound of his
> own voice.)
> Birgitt was absolutely on top of her game, of course.  She can open space
> around me any time, any where she wants.
> --
> Ralph Copleman
> http://www.earthdreams.net
> 609-895-1629

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