At 05:17 PM 4/10/00 -0400, you wrote:
>(I suppose we all handle these opening chores a little differently, and I
>find lately I digress from my "script" more and more and treat the time as a
>bit of open-space-within-structure.  I say different things; I move
>differently...  I have this notion that the whole opening can be done solely
>and completely with gestures.  Thought I might try that sometime, although I
>don't know why.  Sure would be a switch for a guy who loves the sound of his
>own voice.)
It's happened. Several years ago i was doing a training program (OS) for
the Bank of Montreal. I made the point that the opening had much more to do
with being than doing, and that while words were useful, they were probably
not essential. Some wag took me at my word, and issued the challenge. So
there we were with a circle of 50 and my mouth was sealed. Much to my
surprise, it actually worked.

At the same training program we had a participant who was in a wheel chair.
He was concerned about "bounding the circle" and wondering whether being in
a wheel chair would be an impediment. So the group obligingly created a
circle and he tried it out. By the time he got back to the starting point
the room was in awed silence. Because he was in a wheel chair he engaged
all participants at eye level as he made it around the circle. The impact
was incredible to the point that we all agreed that in addition to Tibetan
Temple Bells, useful equipment for Open Space might include a wheel chair
for all facilitators. Talk about the power of vulnerability!


Harrison Owen
7808 River Falls Drive
Potomac, MD  20854

Summer address:
189 Beaucaire Ave.
RR Box 4248
Camden, ME

Phone 301-469-9269
Fax 301-983-9314
Maine Phone 207-763-3261

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