I see this differenly - in terms of visibility, actions always speak
louder than words.  In the end, we are judged by our actions, not our
intentions! KD.

Ralph Copleman wrote:
>      ...choirs don't really become choirs until they perform --
>      publicly. So come on folks -- Sing!
>            Harrison
> So, are we saying we need a song now?  Ya mean with like lyrics and a
> tune and stuff?  This is definitely new, and, sorry Chris Corrigan,
> beyond the purview of that committee you keep referring things to.
> I picture a marching band, with uniforms and Whitney Houston out front
> at the half time of the Citrus Bowl (for you non-Americans, we have
> this deeply tacky art-form called the half-time show at all big
> American football games).  Do you think she's into open space?
> Or maybe a choir, as Harrison of the ecclesiastical background seems
> to suggest, with white robes, and Whoopi Goldberg leading us in a
> stirring rendition of "The Open Space Facilitator Polka".  Or a street
> musicale with kazoo and washboard scraping out the rhythms of old Fats
> Domino songs...  "I found ma thri-ill on open space hill..."?
> These are dark images indeed.
> --
> Ralph Copleman
> http://www.earthdreams.net
> 609-895-1629

Karen L. Doherty,
Associate Director - OD
Phone:  705-721-1737
Fax:    705-721-0227
e-mail: karen.dohe...@bell.ca

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